Sunday, September 13, 2009

Speedy Monkey

Scratch Project


BuBe said...

your game looks like it might be fun but I am not adding another program to my alrady too full and too slow computer. early next year I am planning an upgrade of computer equipment and will see about getting involved with things like facebook and scratch, but for now I am out of the loop. I do not understand the relavence of the baseball diamond to bananas and monkeys. Maybe you could change the icons to gloves and balls?

Tinyc Tim said...

Hi BuBe -

It turns out if you just click the image you would be able to play the game - nothing gets added / downloaded to your computer. And, yeah, the baseball diamond is not what the final game will have but my Australian artist friend Aoife's been buried in school work and has not had the time to draw the jungle scene and the monkey / 'nana sprites yet.

A newer / faster computer will be great! I'm finding my old Gateway can't handle a lot of things my newer Dell does.

- TcT