Sunday, November 30, 2008


Per BuBe's request ...

... Clickz da eyes

Saturday, November 29, 2008

in the red!

Upon discarding the spend Turkey bouquet with mystery filler flowers, I discovered the remaining water was red - as in red food color - I can therefore deduct that the filler flower could be goldenrod that had been set in a container of red food colored water to achieve the special color effect. I used to do this with Queen Anne's Lace and celery stalks when I was a kid (really, I was once a kid!)

Tower Building

Max and cumpenny tuk da Cuisenaire rods tah a nu level ova Thanksgiving.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Awl aboot GIFs

Tobee wanted tah learn aboot GIFs, zo Ize trainslatted dais foah him:

Da Grafix Intahchainj Fourmat (GIF) iz a bitmap imudge fourmat dat wuz intraduzed by CompuServe in 1987 and haz zins comed into whydspred uzudge awn da World Whyd Web doo tah its whyd zupord and pordabilidee.

Da fourmat zupordz upe tah 8 bits per pixel, allowing a singul imudge tah refrenz a palette ov upe tah 256 diztinkt kullerz chosen frum da 24-bit RGB kuller spaiz. Id alzo zupordz animayshunz and allows a separate palette ov 256 kullerz foah each frame. Da kuller limitation maykes da GIF fourmat unsuitable foah reproducing kuller photographs and udda imudgez wid continuous kuller, butz id iz well-suited foah simpler imudgez suech az grafix or logos wid solid areas ov kuller.

GIF imudgez r compressed uzin da Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) lozzlezz dayta compression technique tah reduce da file size without degrading da visual quality. Dais compression technique wuz patented in 1985. Controversy ova da licensing agreement between da patent holdah, Unisys, and CompuServe in 1994 inspired da development ov da Portable Network Grafix (PNG) standard; zins denn awl da relevant patents hav expired.

An animated .gif file comprises a numbah ov imudgez or fraymz tah be displayed successively, each described by its own GCE (Graphic Control Eggstenshun), preceded by a header whose content by default applies tah awl da fraymz. Aftah da header da dayta iz stream-oriented instead ov being at fixed indices, zo da location ov da start ov a GCE depends awn da length ov preceding GCE(s). Within a GCE da LZE-coded imudge dayta iz arranged in blocks each ov upe tah 255 bytes; da size ov block iz declared by a byte dat precedes id.

Da GCEs allow da tyme foah witch each frame iz displayed tah be specified in hundredths ov second. Summ ecominee ov dayta iz pawzible wheah a frame need onwy rewrite a porshun ov da pixiels ov da display, cuz da Imudge Descriptor cayne define a smaller rectangle tah be rescanned instead ov da holee imudge. Dizplayz dat dew nutt zupord animated .gifs shoo onwy da fuhst frame.

Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2m
The dishunary contains 1222 wurds.

Seezun'z Greetinz!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Wedder Kat sayz, "Pritty colors means badd wedder!" Id iz vewy raynee and windy heah, windee speed iz 30 -40 mph wid gusts upe tah 60 mph. Luckily wee ztill hav power.


Hi! Gezz wat? Amee mayd sumding reelee yummee smelling foah dinnah. Zhe sayz id iz cawld samun. Id iz a kynde ov fish. Id smelled soooo gud, Meeka and Ize wur hanging owd in da kichin da holee tyme zhe wuz cooking.

Gezz wat? Aftah Amee ate, zhe gayv us (Meeka and mee) summ samun! Id wuz soooo gud! Id iz mye fayverite ding. Meeka liked da samun too. Zhe ate awl ov her's reelee fazt. Denn zhe came ova and wuz luking at mye samun! Zhe wuz vewy intimadaytin. Zhe mayd mee scared! Zo, gezz wat? Ize let er eet mye samun!

Amee sayz Ize am a wimp, butz Ize let er eet id cuz zhe kneadz fattening upe. Meeka eats mowa dan mee, butz zhe iz way skinnier (Amee sayz Ize am fat). Meeka haz a thighroyd probelem, cawld hiperthighroydizm. Zhe takes pilz butz zhe wanz tah eet awl da tyme. Zo datz da reyal reason why Ize gayv upe mye awezome yummee samun. Aren't Ize a nyce kat (weenk, weenk)?

Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2m
The dishunary contains 1200 wurds.

Kweezin Art

Tobee Rewellz!

Kweezin Art

The challenge iz tah stack da remaining rods awn top without toppling da structure.

I expect dais iz a throwback tah mye childhood whin Max and Ize uzed Dad's wooden blocks and built towers at Chrismastime.

For infermashun awn kichin appliances (witch hav nuddin whatsoever tah dew wid da above,) pleaze vizit

For infermashun awn da brainchild ov Georges Cuisenaire, pleaze visit

Cuisenaire rods.


Translation by Toby Speak Version 1.0.5.g

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Okay, MAX - it's your turn! Last but not least!

Hoppee Tanxgivin

Happee Tanxsgivin! Ize meanz Hoppee Tanxsgivin! Dais piccha iz a composite ov 12 separate picchas. Clickz awn da piccha tah zee a larger imudge. Clickz heah tah zee an animated vershun.

Woggin Man

As Runner Trainer Toby may want to know what to wear while woggin too, we've translated TcT's take on the subject so he can read up. Click Woggin Man to check this out.

Filler Flower Query

For Max - no idea what this is, but it is similar to goldenrod in shape and size. Perhaps you have a botanical resource you could use to identify this for the curious folks that want to know.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

from my turkey to yours


Moon Rovah!

Tobee haz requesded wun ov deez frum Santa az hiz Christmas present.

From NASA's newest lunar rover prototype has now gone farther than it ever has before. A collection of engineers, astronauts and geologests have spent the past week testing out the Small Pressurized Rover in the 11th annual Desert RATS – or Research and Technology Studies -- field tests. Two teams of one astronaut and one geologist each have been driving the rover through the Arizona desert, trying it out in two different configurations

One configuration leaves the crew members free to get on and off the rover whnnever they like, but they must wear spacesuits at all times to protect them from the lunar environment. The second configuration -- called the Small Pressurized Rover, or SPR -- adds a module on top of the rover’s chassis that the crew can sit inside as they drive the vehicle, donning spacesuits whenever they want to get out.

For the first week of test, the rover has been driven on day-long trips to determine how each configuration performed. These have been some of the longest drives the prototype has ever made, but next week the group will step it up another notch or two, by going on a three-day drive through the desert in the SPR to determine how it performs and whether it's comfortable enough for long-duration trips.

Structure and Chaos, Take 2

It's always tough to decide what letters to type in for a Title for a post. What I've chosen will of course have meaning for those who visit this blog regularly. It occurred to me only minutes before finally assembling the key parts I have been building.

I can't resist pointing out that tiny green period in the otherwise black strip in the upper third. This is the tip of a shooting meteor star of length 1. In case you missed it.

Probably best to just spend some time staring at both images for a while before reading any of what I will be writing below. Like the folks over at Imagine Designs, we like to build and describe, sometimes concurrently, sometimes sequentially.

The painting by the same name obviously was named "Structure and Chaos" because it contains elements of both. The screenshot and the cartoon above (the Zits one, not the others (which are really excellent too!)) obviously share some things in common.

I love the Zits cartoon. The minute I spotted it I was hooked. I tried (pretty much in vain) to actually dissect the words in the "word bubbles" and you might enjoy doing the same. A few stand out: "Facebook" is all over the place and there are a few more. The main idea I get (you may get another) is that so often reality passes us by like it's doing for the guy for whom what the girls are taking about is random noise. I expect he and you get some vague sense of what they're taking about. The poor guy has to shake the letters out of his hair!

The screenshot is one moment during the running of, a tiny-c program that shoots "meteors" across your screen. The random letters in blue are wiped out if one of the meteors hits them. The code that drives the meteors is quite interesting, highly "structured," highly "chaotic." I tried to take a movie of it running but it doesn't do it justice so I'll be building an "animated graphic," not unlike the one I did of the "bugs" program you may recall I posted some time back.

Getting this program to work "perfectly," (is there such a thing?) took hours and hours. Here are some of the things I dwelled on:

1. how make the meteors randomly colored
2. how make their lengths and their directions random
3. how make it so the program behaves differently each time you run it
4. how guarantee the entire screen gets filled with random characters before the stars start shooting
5. if I tell it to populate the screen with 15003 "fixed" stars and then tell it to shoot 15003 meteor stars, will this be enough shooting stars to wipe out all the fixed stars? If so, how much longer will the shooting stars shoot before you've exhausted the shooting stars?
6. yada yada (is my black bubble cloud passing you by?!)

Everyone is turned on by different things. Pursue your thing. Try to understand the structure in the chaos going on around you.

Here's the code:

Here's the animation:

Meteor Shower

I didn't translate this into Toby Speak. That would probably have added just enough chaos to this post to make it a black bubble cloud with almost all the white space filled in with black. I think they call that a black hole.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mr. Wiggins

Tobee Rewellz!

Dais be Mr. Wiggins, Linda's sister Mary's kat, blendin' in tah da living room chair. Mary zent us dais piccha reecentlee and id wuz juz too gud nutt tah cher. We're luking foah a frame while id rests awn owah frigerdater door. Foah nuhow, he'll be happee keeping da Zen Mastah, Roman Empurroar, Doctor, Wedder Kat, Scrollsaw Wizard, Runner Trainer, Tobeelama, Renasanz Kat cumpenny.

Translation by Toby Speak Version 1.0.5.e

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Amee'z Flowah Kollecshun

I LUV Amee'z Flowah Kollecshun!

Monday, November 17, 2008

AAAIIGGHHH!!!! Dogeez!

Zno and Stufe


Tanx foah awl ov yur wuk awn da dishunary, and korreking da "walkin/woggin" issue. Ize am glad TSI mayd id tah 1213 eventually. Heah iz a piccha ov mee in mye latezt profession ov doctor. Zwitchin hats tah wedder kat, da wedder heah in Mayne iz zayin zno 2nite:

2nite: A chaunce ov zno showahs, mainly aftah 1am. Mostly cloudy, wid a low aroond 27. North windee between 3 and 9 mph. Chaunce ov persipitayshun iz 30%. Nu zno accumulation ov lezz dan a haff inch pawzible!

Ever da multi-talented kat,

Translation by
using a 1213 word dictionary.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Deah Doctor Tobee,

Ize hav reecentlee starded an eggzersize prograym Ize lyke tah kawl "woggin". Dais eggzersize prograym consists ov altanadin purreeodz ov joggin and walking in order tah sloelee wuk into a prograym ov complete joggin covering a distance ov 5 killometrez.

Az Ize persue dais prograym, Ize hav notissed a vewy vexing probelem. During mye purreeodz ov woggin, witch currantlee lazt approximately 2 minuets, Ize am experiencing a grate deal ov dizcomfit in mye leggz. If Ize stop moovin, da dizcomfit stops and goz away. Cayne u teyell mee wat iz causing dais dizcomfit and ow Ize cayne make id goe away? Id haz caused mee tah shorten da length ov mye eggzersize session frum 30 minuets tah 20 minuets.

Deah Deedee,

Wat u r experiencing in yur purreeodz ov woggin iz a reaction cawld acidosis. Acidosis iz caused by an increase in Lactic Acid in yur muscles during purreeodz ov intense eggzersize. In animals, L-lactate iz constantly produced frum pyruvate via da enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in a process ov fermentation during normal metabolism and eggzersize. Id duz nutt increase in concentration unetill da rate ov lactate production exceeds da rate ov lactate removal witch iz governed by a numbah ov factors including: monocarboxylate transporters, concentration and isoform ov LDH and oxidative capacity ov tissues. Da concentration ov blood lactate iz useyulely 1-2 mmol/L at rest, butz cayne rise tah ova 20 mmol/L during intense exertion.

During power exercises suech az sprinting, whin da rate ov demand foah energee iz high, lactate iz produced faster dan da ability ov da tissues tah reemoove id and lactate concentration begins tah rise. Dais iz a beneficial process zins da regeneration ov NAD+ ensures dat energee production iz maintained and eggzersize cayne continue. Da increased lactate produced cayne be removed in a numbah ov ways including oxidation tah pyruvate by well-oxygenated mussill cells witch iz denn directly uzed tah fuel da citric acid cycle converzhun tah glucose via da Cori cycle in da liver throo da process ov gluconeogenesis.

Contrary tah popular belief, dais increased concentration ov lactate duz nutt directly cause acidosis, nor iz id responsible foah delayed onset mussill sorenez.[1] Dais iz cuz lactate idzelf iz nutt capable ov releasing a proton, and secondly, da acidic form ov lactate, lactic acid, cannut be formed under normal circumstances in humind tissues. Analisis ov da glycolytic pathway in humans indicates dat theah r nutt enuff hydrogen ions present in da glycolytic intermediates tah pradeuce lactic or any udda acid. Da acidosis dat iz azzosheayted wid increases in lactate concentration during heavy eggzersize arises frum a separate reaction. Whin ATP iz hydrolysed, a hydrogen ion iz released. ATP-derived hydrogen ions r primarily responsible foah da decrease in pH. During intense eggzersize, aerobic metabolism cannut pradeuce ATP quickly enuff tah zupply da demands ov da mussill. Az a result, anaerobic metabolism becomes da dominant energee producing pathway az id cayne form ATP at high rates. Doo tah da lahge amoundz ov ATP being produced and hydrolysed in a short period ov tyme, da buffering systems ov da tissues r overcome, causing pH tah fall and creating a state ov acidosis, a natchural process witch facilitates da easier dissociation ov Oxyhaemoglobin and allows easier transfer ov oxygen frum da blood[2]. Dais may be wun factor, among many, dat contributes tah da acute muscular dizcomfit experienced shortly aftah intense eggzersize.

Paht ov da reason ov yur "woggin" prograym builds upe tah full joggin sloelee ova a period ov tyme serves 2 purposes. Wun iz tah accustom yur lungs tah a longer period ov mowa intense eggzersize. Da second iz tah accustom yur muscles. If u keep upe wid yur prograym and increase by zmahl amoundz, eventually u wiyill getz ova da acidosis. Zo decreasing da lenght ov yur eggzersize iz OK, az long az u eventually build back upe tah 30 minuets. Anothah alternative iz tah rest foah short purreeodz aftah yur joggin sequence. Butz resting duz nutt condition yur lungs az quickly, witch iz sumding tah tayk into consideration. Ize ope dais elpz anzer yur quezhun aboot da dizcomfit u r experiencing.

Doctor Tobee

Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2n
The dishunary contains 1212 wurds.

Leef Suckers!

Leef Suckers!

Az id iz leef seezun, wee thod id fitting tah shoo u da Nuwingtun Leef Suckers in akshun. I'm zur you've hurd ov Dark Suckers (aka Light Bulbs) butz hav u hurd ov Leef Suckers?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Deedee iz sorree zhe and BuBe didn't getz a chaunce tah connect while BuBe wuz in Mayne. Ope u had a gud trip BuBe!

Translation by
using a 1201 word dictionary.

Herqlees Meets Interpres

[Note from TcT: if your name isn't Max, just skip the 1st paragraph]

Wel, Mr. Bradley, Ize godda give id tah u. Ize am totallee impressed u spotted mye "between" error. Ize spotted id too butz abzolved myzelf by chalking id upe tah yetz anothah instandz ov BTL (nutt da sandwich, da Law). Yur rathah convoluted dissertation awn dais matter kud vewy wel be ryet butz Ize tink id reelee wuz juz a matter ov a miscalculation awn mye paht and Ize shud hav stopped whin Ize gotz tah 12 cuz 11^2<137<12^2.

Moving ryet along, yur wunderin aboot ow [mm-dd-yy-Finius-Foobar] gets into da da dishunary alzo impressed mee. Beeg tyme. An (unetill nuhow) "undocumented feature" ov da venerable tspeek.exe goz lyke dais:

If, whin asked foah a nu word->wurd pair, u getz trickee and, instead, typee sumding dat haz a ryet bracket in id (dat wud be a ]), da entire string wiyill be playzd in da dishunary. Eggzample:


Here's sumding wee cayne test dais awn.

Frum Summ Fyne Points

Anothah NOT SO LITERAL "fyne poind" aboot mye interest in deez actual points iz dat dey act az focal points FROM WHICH greater dings form. Ize tink id wuz nutt by accident dat Ize chose tah include 2 globular clusters in da painting (in da fynul painting phase) cuz dey too elp tah draw attention tah da fact dat theah iz an origin or source FROM WHICH a larger structure forms. In reading aboot globular clusters (az in M13 in da constallashun ov Herqlees) Ize lernd 2day dat EVERY STAR within a globular typee cluster actually orbits a comin centah.

Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2n
The dishunary contains 1201 wurds.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Exoplanitairee Discuveree

Da following ardikul appeared 2day in da environmental sexshun ov da Nu York Tiemz. Dais partial text narrative wuz written by Dennis Overbye ov da Nu York Tiemz. Id wuz alzo a "front page" story awn tonight's NBC television nooz ankud by Brian Williams. Ize passed dais awn tah Tobee foah review. He haz trainslatted id foah u and udda kats uzin da November dishunary.

"A yiddle mowa ov da youneeverze haz bin pried owd ov da shadows. 2 groups ov astronamuz hav tayken da fuhst picchas ov wat dey za — and udda astronamuz agree — r mohst likely planitz going aroond udda stars ..."

Da acheevmint, da result ov years [Max's note: 14 years, actually] ov effort awn improved observational techniques and betah data analisis, presages mowa suech diskuverees, da experts sayd, and wiyill open da door tah nu investigashuns and diskuverees ov wat planitz r and ow dey came tah be formed.

“It’s da tip ov eyezbug,” sayd Christian Marois ov da Herzberg Institute ov Astrophysics in Victoria, British Columbia. “Now dat wee kno dey r theah, theah iz going tah be an explowshin.”

Dr. Marois iz da leedah ov a teem dat recorded three planitz sercullin a stah nown az HR 8799 dat iz 130 lyteyeers away in da constallashun Pegasus. Da udda teem, led by Paul Kalas ov da Younaversitee ov California, Berkeley, fownd a planet orbiteeng da stah Fomalhaut, onwy 25 lyteyeers frum Urth, in da constallashun Piscis Austrinus.

In an intervyoo by e-mail, Dr. Kalas sayd dat whin he fynlee cunfurrmd hiz discovery lazt May, “I neahlee had a hart attack."

Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2m
The dishunary contains 1200 wurds.

The image above is an actual first image of the new planetary system associated with the same star (found below) highlighed in aqua: Fomalhaut. The inset shows a difference in the location of the planet "b" over a two-year period.

These last two pictures are associated with another exoplanetary system found in the constellation of Pegasus. Note the motion of the newly discovered planets relative to the past positions marked by plus (+) signs.

Bareeztah Wanabe

Tobee Rewellz!

This morning Ize wuz preparing coffee foah Leenda (az Ize useyulely dew) and whin Ize poured id Ize, tho proud ov da veriuze "attributes" wee zeem tah hav a ritual aboot, namely "bubble count," "dry bottom," "temperature," "ryet amound ov light cream," "correct cup," "clicked by mye cup," "nutt too strong (or weak)," remarked "I'm sorree butz Ize don't kno ow tah pour and make doz 'swirly' patterns lyke da ..." and here's wheah Ize gotz stuck, triing tah recommember dat wurd I'm zur you've hurd dat doz guyz ova at Starbucks kawl demselvez. Ize came upe w/ "barristers" and Leenda sayd "Itz close tah that," zo Ize wuz pleased w/ myzelf butz denn spent da nex twenny minuets while bathing etc. triing tah getz id ryet. Ize offden dew dais kynde ov ding and lyke tah challenge myzelf by nutt cheating tah zee if mye brayne mollykewels cayne zo rearrange demselvez tah assemble da correct letters and cause dem tah exit audibly frum mye mouth (mye weird way tah za "za da word.")

It iz nuhow aboot 11:30 AM and az da problem reentered mye mind Ize, awn a subtle mental zhift, dasided tah put da letters 'barista' in a google text box and hit Enter. "bareeztah" iz reelee close tah "barrister," butz id rang potentially ryet in mye mind whin Ize sayd id tah myzelf and, wid ope and expectation, Ize awaited mye "grade" frum da "all-knowing" indernette.

I wuz nutt disappointed.

I wiyill be patting myzelf awn da back foah da nex hour or two.

In English jargon, da term "barista" refers tah wun hoo haz acquired summ level ov expertise in da preparation ov espresso-based coffee drinks. Within certain circles, its meaning iz expanding tah include wat might be cawld a "coffee sommelier;" a professional hoo iz highly skilled in coffee preparation, wid a comprehensive understanding ov coffee, coffee blends, espresso, quality, coffee varieties, roast degree, espresso equipment, maintenance, latte art, etc. Stephen Morrissey ov Ireland iz da current World Bareeztah Champion.

The wurd barista (plural: baristi [masculine or mixed sex] or bariste [feminine]) iz ov Italian origin. In Italy, a barista iz a "bartender," hoo typically works behind a counter, serving both hawt (suech az espresso) and cold alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

Translation by Toby Speak Version 1.0.5.g

Monday, November 10, 2008

Ohd tah Palateez

O Palateez
Wid yur pawzturez
Zeem zo zimpel
Whin Ize am awn da flor

A mussill heah
A mussill theah
Sizzur kick
V - Stanz feet

Ow eazy Ize sayd
Eweree udda day
Foah 4 dayz
No payn, no gayn

Awn da fif day
Ow sor Ize am!
Ow hahd id iz
Tah getz owd ov bed

Woggin iz a chor
Sittin maykes id wurz
Ow Ize za yur nayme
Nuhow wid a curz

Strechun, woggin
Ize wayt foah sorenez
Tah reeseed, zo wunce agin
Ize cayne camense Palateez

Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2m
The dishunary contains 1173 wurds.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Why da Printer Doesn't Wurk

Dis iz vewy funee.

Binary Quiz Reezults

Hi TcT. Dat zur wuz an indereztin lynk u provided aboot Gawd being a numbah. Ize checked id owd and ALL SORTS ov events occurred awl ova da planet. Id wuz amyzing tah zee ow rapidly deez dings tuk playz. Ize cayne zee ow id wud be sumding tah return tah frum tyme tah tyme.

Ize lookeed into binary numbahz and Ize tink Ize hav da correct solution tah yur extrah credit quiz. Ize can't za dat Ize solved id entirely in mye hed tho. Ize had tah read aboot POWERS and PLACES and ow tah multiply and ad tah getz da fynul result. Butz tanx. Id wuz fune. Ize alzo fownd yur owld (butz gud) binary clawk. Id wuz fune tah run dat. Maybee Amee, Tobee and Bube wud lyke tah zee da clawk. Juz tinking...

god is a number

The above rather catchy title has grabbed my interest now a couple of times. It is a menu pick on the website of the guy that wrote FireFTP, the file transfer add-on for Firefox. You are invited to visit the page it corresponds to by clicking This is the kind of site you want to come back to every so often. He makes no claim of course to the complete accuracy of these numbers but it does give you pause when you think about them in general. The quote that appears in the lower right hand corner of the screen is pretty wild too ... namely ...

this is something that happens
and you are something rare
and one day these numbers will go to zero
and hey you with the pretty face,
welcome to the human race!

- TcT

PS - extra credit: The binary number in the URL above equals what, in decimal? Hint: it's prime.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Canaydeeyan Lynx

Toby received this cool picture in an e-mail and wanted to know what kind of cat it was. Apparently it is a Canadian Lynx (from Wikipedia). Just when you thought the dictionary was caught up....

"Da apeerenz ov da Canaydeeyan lynx iz simila tah dat ov da Eurasian lynx: da dense fur iz silveree brown and may bear blackish markinz. Da Canaydeeyan iz rathah smaller dan its Eurasian cuzin, at an avridge size ov 11 kg (24 lbs), 90 cm (36 in) in length and a showldah height ov 60 cm (24 in). Mayels r larger dan feemayels. In summah, its coat takes awn a mowa reddish brown colour (Ize am thinkin a Canaydeeyan wrote dis). Dais lynx haz a furree ruff witch reezembilz a double-pointed beeyerd, a short tail wid a black tip and long furree tuftz awn its eyerz. Its long legs wid broad furred feet aid da Canaydeeyan lynx in travahlin throo deep zno. Da Canaydeeyan lynx iz a zolitairee and seekrativ animal, useyulely aktiv at night, and rechoirz a lahge territory. Id breeds in spring and wun tah five kittens r born. Da survival ov da young depends heavily awn da avayilabilidee ov prey speesheez."

Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2m
The dishunary contains 1139 wurds.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yay! Elekshun Day!

Ize went tah vote whin da polls opened at 7:00 AM heah dais morning. Da lines wur awlready long!

Translation by
using a 1108 word dictionary.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Tobee wants tah be bipartisan and give John MikCain summ airtime, curtezee ov Sairday Night Liv. Sorree aboot da kammershul.

Mayne Wudz

Amee tuk summ picchas ov er walks in da northern Mayne wudz while zhe wuz awn er trip. Theah wur a lot ov birch trees. Hence da nu slide shoo.

Eelektourel Map

Az if wasn't enuff fune tah plahay wid, theah iz Real Clear Politic's eelektourel map. Dais map shooz Ohbamah having 291 eelektourel votes. Real Clear Polotikz iz anothah poll aggregator lyke 538. Da fune ding aboot theah map iz dat id iz inderaktiv. U cayne clickz awn difrunt ztatez and chainj dem frum their current statuz (ize.e. chainj wun state frum Republikun tah Democrat, or vice versa). Zo, foah eggzample, if u wanted tah zee ow many eelektourel votes Ohbamah wud getz if he won awl Kerry ztatez and Floridah, butz lost Ohighoh and Pennysillyvainia, u kud. Or any numbah ov sinariohz. And u cayne save yur own purrzonul map foah lader yews.

Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2m
The dishunary contains 1092 wurds.

New Chahts

Today I updated the Ohbamah projection chart and it appears Barack is holding his lead while the polls still show some tightening. Today I added these two chahts, I did a bit of calculating for the upper chaht and it STILL looks like Ohbamah will break through the 270 electoral vote barrier in a major way. It is also interesting to watch what is happening to the Democat / Republicaen vote distribewshun. This distribewshun may (I have heard) end up such that there he democats will have a majority AND the loss of any further chance for fillabustering (probabably misspelled but I am a democat so it's OK, right?). I have also heard that Hillary Clinton may have a chance of being appointed to fill the position of the "deciding vote." DO you call that person the Senate Majority leader? Not sure, but it sure sounds good to me.