Saturday, June 13, 2009

Yanni Clip

This is a bit strange, I suppose, but what Yanni says struck me as a very powerful thing the other day when I was listening to an audio tape I have of his Yanni Live at the Acropolis concert. I tried to play it back repeatedly so as to transcribe the words to paper but had trouble getting them down.

Today I got smart. Why not put the tape in my boom box and take a video of it? So the video is really just so you can hear the message. I kept the camera going a bit past the part where he speaks. His music is very beautiful.

Here's the quote. A truly amazing observation.

"That everything great that has ever happened to humanity since the beginning, has begun with a single thought in someone's mind and if anyone of us is capable of such a great thought then all of us has the same capacity, capability, because we are all the same."

This and other Yanni quotes may be found at Yanni.


Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

A very Chool thought, and some very beooteeful muzik there, Max. Thanks for sharing.

OMG! Only six days 'til the first day of summah! Where has the time gone?

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Sorree Tineecee, thought Max posted that. I wuz wrong!

Chip Bradley said...

Yes, a very interesting thought. I do remember listening to him say these things on my own CD. It says so much about the beginnings of important things.

BuBe said...

I LOVE Yanni - went to see him in concert a couple of years ago - not only is he fantasic, he surrounds himself with magnificent talent. Has anyone seen his latest effort in which he introduces some amazing young talents? I think it is called Yanni With Voices and was on PBS a little while back. A little secret about me. I received two speeding tickets over the years because when I play Yanni in my car my foot turns to lead. LOL and $275 later.