Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Punkun ardikul
Hi Y'all,
Dais iz a vewy indereztin ardikul aboot grewing cundishuns dais summah foah punkuns. Amee found id in da Boston Globe awn September 18th, butz 4god aboot id unetill 2day. Ize am sorree id iz nutt trainslatted into Tobee Speek, id iz a JPG imudge. Da ardikul wuz written by Michael Levenson ov da Boston Globe staff. Clickz awn da piccha tah goe tah da ardikul.
Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2k
using the sep08.dic dictionary.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Bumpee Punkunz

Yes, it's mee agin. Ize tried tah goe back tah zzzzleep in mye kat bed, butz Amee insisted dat Ize getz upe and wryte dais. Az yew cayne zee frum da piccha, mye kat bed iz vewy compfy, wid a nyce pillow and a nyce view owd ov da winnough.
Anyways, Amee wanted mee tah poast dais zo zhe kud ask Max aboot er (sort ov) punkun Barack. Barack iz vewy bumpy. Amee iz wondering if dais iz a genetic trait ov Armonia's, since Armonia wuz bumpy alzo (zee piccha). Haz anyone elze growd an Armonia punkun? Wuz id bumpy?
Da odda ding dat Amee thod id kud be iz sumding cawld da Watermelon Mosaic Virus. Dat iz a virus witch cayne effect punkuns, amoung odda fruits and veggies. Id maykes dem bumpy, and cayne be passed awn tah new generations in da zeeds. Amee iz wondering if Max haz ever heard ov dais virus in hiz botanical learnings.

Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2k
using the sep08.dic dictionary.
Cozetul Flud Advizuree 853

Cozetul Flud Advizuree
Cozetul Hazard Mezzage
Nayshunal Wedder Survysis Gray Mee
624 AM EDT Sun Sep 28 2008
Splash ova and beech erosion pawzible dais morning and agin 2nite aroond tiemz ov high tide.
Kyle wiyill continue tah race northward 2day, xrozzing da eastern Gulf ov Mayne dais avdurnoon and dais evening. Aztronumikal high tides wiyill combine wid aboot a wun fud ztorm zurj and builing waves tah allow foah splash ova along exposed northeast facing beechez neah da tiemz ov high tide dais morning and agin dais evening.
High tide in Portlande hahboor wiyill be 1103 AM and 1125 PM. Wid a wun fud ztorm zurj, each tide shud top aroond 11 feet in Portlande Hahboor. Flud stage iz Portlande 12 feet.
Alzo, heavy rains r expected neah da cohzt. Wada levels and splash overs may be enhanced neah mouths ov small rivers and streams dat r swollen az fresh wada flooding interacts wid da incoming tide.
Cozetul flud advizuree remanez in effect unetill 1 AM EDT Monday. Pleaze stay tooned tah NOAA wedder radio, yur local media, or gotz tah www.weather.gov/gray foah further updates awn dais wedder situation.
Ova and owd,
Tobee da Wedder Kat
PZ: Id iz raining catz and dogs heah ryet nuhow!
Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2k
using the sep08.dic dictionary.
Help for Cazpah
uf the Toby dictionary surch utilitee.)
This email comes from Cazpah
the frendlee punkun. He is wunderin
wheah tah find the latezt vershun uf the
Toby langwij so he cn downlode it tah
his intahnal c drive. Zins he does nutt
kno awl the new wurds, or wheah to put
punkchawashun, he is attempting tah
wryte this message using his own memahree
and his own Cazpah reezining pawahz.
Deah Cazpah -
Tank yew zo mach foah yur email and yur quezhun aboot wheah tah obtain
da latezt vershun ov da translator. Da latezt vershun ov da
translator iz always at http://primepuzzle.com/blog/tspeek.zip.
Juz downlode id, unzip id into yur c:\tobee directory.
Ize hav mined yur email and increased Toby's vocabulary accordingly.
Yur truelee,
- TcT
Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2k
using the sep08.dic dictionary.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I'm Movin' Awn

Max here!
Meet Casper! Casper was my only pumpkin this year. He was harvested at the Sudbury, MA 'Haunted Pipes' Garden. He weighed in at 4.78 pounds. I named him 'Casper' because he is very friendly and he grew in a place that was somewhat haunted -- as evidenced by all the mysterious sounds that seemed to come from large pipes that used to stand tall out on the interstate highways. He generated exactly 74 seeds all of which were from the 2006 Rosie pumpkin line. (2007 Rosie and Armonia pumpkins did not succeed in producing any viable seeds for me in Oregon).
In the spirit of 'Moving On', I would like to let all cats and people know that "the seeds" of change still exist thanks to Rosie! It's possible we may add one more seed to the collection of needed changes for our planet. This new seed may germinate well on 11-20-2009. It will not grow under a Bush!
Thank you for inviting me to be a part of this new
blog. I have been feeling a little out of sorts lately and have not had much to say. But there often comes a time when something else breaks one's silence. I was looking for an image (and a song?) to possibly convey "Moving On" from this silence. Forgive me, DiDi if this movie is a repeat of a video post made by you a while ago. It seems very familiar to me, and I am just not sure if you made reference to it. If not, I have posted it here today with the hope Tobee will approve of its positive and inspirational content ... about "Movin' Awn."
On another but related matter, I would also like to share that I have been thinking once again about speaking with my landlord -- about getting a new kitten. If and when anything positive comes of this, I will be sure to share pictures of _______ and teach my new kitten the only language a cat will ever need -- Tobee!
I'm Movin' Awn
by Rascal Flats
I've dealt wid mye ghosts and I've faced awl mye demons
finally content wid a past Ize regret.
I've fownd you've fownd strength in yur moments ov weakness,
foah wunce I'm at peace wid myzelf.
I've been burdened wid blame
trapped in da past foah too long
I'm movin' awn.
I've lived in dais playz and Ize kno awl da faces
each wun iz different butz theah always da same.
dey meanz mee no harm butz its tyme dat Ize face id;
they'll never allow mee tah change.
Butz Ize never dreamed homee wud end upe wheah Ize don't beelong
I'm movin' awn.
I'm movin' awn,
at lazt Ize cayne zee (at lazt Ize cayne zee)
lyfe haz been patiently waiting foah mee
and Ize kno there's no guarantees.
butz I'm nutt alone.
Theah comez a tyme,
in everyone's lyfe
whin awl yew cayne zee
r da years passing by
and Ize hav made upe mye mind
dat doz days r gone.
I've sold wat Ize kud and packed wat ize couldn't,
Stopped tah fill upe awn mye way owd ov town
I've loved lyke Ize shud butz lived lyke Ize shouldn't;
Ize hat tah loose evereeding tah find owd;
Maybee forgiveness wiyill find mee somewhere down dais road;
I'm movin' awn.
I'm movin' awn
I'm movin' awn.
Translation by Toby Speak Version using the jul08.dic dictionary.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Willard Beech
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Empurroarial Decree 839

Ize wud lyke everybody tah kno dat if dey wud lyke tah contribeaut summ pichaz tah run awn da blog zlydezhow, dat if dey r in a publick Pikazzah web alebum, Ize cayne ackzezz dem wid juz yur uzanayme and alebum nayme. If yew dew nutt hav a Pikazzah web alebum and wud ztill lyke tah contribeaut pichaz, juz send dem tah Amee. Da pichaz cayne be ov eneedin yew wan, Ize wud lyke tah hav summ variety.
Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2k
using the jul08.dic dictionary.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Lessons from Kindergarten
Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2k using the jul08.dic dictionary.
Funky Punky
Zen Mastah / Tobeelama / Roman Empurroar Tobee haz juz completed a crash course in jigsaw poozle makin and wiyill be sellabraytig da harvust seezun by cuddig a 53-piece funky-punky poozle foah a friend. If features lahge and small punkun (sort ov) peecez witch he hat tah ad yiddle handles tah tah make da poozle innerluk betah. Da image he wiyill cut iz top secret butz he wud be happee tah receive an email frum yew (Mr. Tobee iz wyud tah da indernette via a boo toof micro ear piece witch iz imvizubble tah da naked eye) containing yur image and speciffikashuns (piece count / embedded shape).
Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2kusing the jul08.dic dictionary.

Da Wisdom in Hawt Chawclit
A group ov grajewettz, wel established in their careers, wur talking at a reunion and dasided tah
goe vizit their owld university professor, nuhow retired. During their vizit, da conversation turned tah cumplayntz aboot stress in da wuk and lives. Offering hiz geztz hawt chawclit, da professor went into da kitchen and returned wid a lahge pot ov hawt chawclit and an azzortmaynt ov cups; porcelin, glass, crystal, summ playne luking, summ eggspensive, summ exquisate - telling dem tah elp demselvez tah da hawt chawclit.
Whin dey awl hat a cup ov hawt chawclit in their hand, da professor sayd: 'Notice dat awl ov denn nyce luking, eggspensive cups wur taken, leaving behind da playne cheep wuns. While id iz normal foah yew tah wan onwy da best foah yourselves, dat iz da source ov yur probeleymz and stress.
Da cup dat yew r drinkin frum adds nuddin tah da hawt chawclit. In mohst cases id iz juz mowa eggspensive and in summ cases even hides wat wee drink. Wat awl ov yew reelee wanted wuz hawt chawclit, nutt da cup, butz yew consciously went foah da best cups. And denn yew began eyeing each other's cups.
Nuhow consider dais: Lyfe iz da hawt chawclit; yur job, money and position r da cups. Dey r juz tools tah howald and contain lyfe. Da cup duz nutt define, nor change da quality ov lyfe yew hav. Zumtimez, by concentrating onwy awn da cup, wee fail tah enjoy da hawt chawclit Gawd haz provided us. Gawd maykes da hawt chawclit, man chooses da cups. Da happiest peeple don't hav da best ov evereeding. Dey juz make da best ov evereeding dat dey hav. Liv simply. Luv generously. Care deeply. Speek kindly. And enjoy yur hawt chawclit!
Tanx foah dat vewy Zen peeze ov wisdom frum Lindab. Nuhow wee awl need summ hawt chawclit. Heah iz a grate, cheep, eazy recipe foah "drinkin chawclit". Id iz mach thicker dan regular hawt chawclit, and mowa lyke dessert dan a drink. Yew may hav hat drinkin chawclit befoah. If yew buy id at a store lyke Holee Foodz, yew wiyill kno dat da mix iz useyulely vewy eggspensive. Butz wid dais recipe, awl dat yew need iz 3 oz. ov semi-sweet chawclit chips and 10 oz. ov milk per serving.
Playz semi-sweet chawclit chips in a small bowl. Put milk in a pan and heat ova medium heat awn stove top. Continue heating unetill milk iz wahm, denn ad chocoalte chips. Stir constantly wid wisk unetill id juz comez tah a boil. Pour da drinkin chawclit into cups and led cul foah 5 minuets zo da mixture wiyill thicken upe. Enjoy!

PZ: Tanx Tineecee Tim foah yur birfday wurds and wishes.
PPZ: Tanx foah da two new excellent wurds frum Chip! Ize am triing nutt tah getz mye awndawaya in a bunch ova dais moregij crisis!
Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2k using the jul08.dic dictionary.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Mezzage frum da Tobeelama

Gud Carma
Dais iz wat da Tobeelama haz tah za foah 2008. He zent id tah mee in an e-mail, butz Ize tink he may hav stowlin summ ov id frum "Life's Yiddle Inztrukshun Book", written by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Instrukshuns foah Lyfe
1. Tayk into accoud dat grate luv and grate acheevmintz involve grate risk.
2. Whin yew looze, don't looze da lesson.
3. Fallow da three R's:
- Reespekt foah selv
- Reespekt foah udders
- Responsubbility foah yur akshunz
4. Recommember dat nutt getting wat yew wan iz zumtimez a wundahfull stroke ov luck.
5. Learn da rewellz zo yew kno haow tah break dem properly.
6. Don't led a yiddle dispute injure a grate relayshunzhip.
7. Whin yew reeleyez yew hav made a mizteak, tayk immediate steps tah correct id.
8. Spend summ tyme alone eweree day.
9. Open yur ahmz tah change, butz don't led goe ov yur valyouze.
10. Recommember dat silence iz zumtimez da best answer.
11. Liv a gud, honorable lyfe. Denn whin yew getz owlda and tink back, you'll be able tah enjoy id a second tyme.
12. A loving admozfear in yur homee iz da fowndayshun foah yur lyfe.
13. In disagreements wid loved wuns, deal onwy wid da current situation. Don't bring upe da past.
14. Cher yur knowledge. Id iz a way tah achieve immortality.
15. Be gentle wid da earth.
16. Wunce a year, goe somewhere yew hav nevah been befoah.
17. Recommember dat da best relayshunzhip iz wun in witch yur luv foah each odda exceeds yur need foah
each odda.
18. Judge yur zuckzezz by wat yew hat tah give upe in order tah getz id.
19. Approach luv and cooking wid reckless abayndun.
Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2k
using the jul08.dic dictionary.
PZ: Pleeze note dat da Tobeelama iz a wun "L" lama. Yew may want to mayke a note ov diz in Lebstah'z Dishunaree.