Max here!
Meet Casper! Casper was my only pumpkin this year. He was harvested at the Sudbury, MA 'Haunted Pipes' Garden. He weighed in at 4.78 pounds. I named him 'Casper' because he is very friendly and he grew in a place that was somewhat haunted -- as evidenced by all the mysterious sounds that seemed to come from large pipes that used to stand tall out on the interstate highways. He generated exactly 74 seeds all of which were from the 2006 Rosie pumpkin line. (2007 Rosie and Armonia pumpkins did not succeed in producing any viable seeds for me in Oregon).
In the spirit of 'Moving On', I would like to let all cats and people know that "the seeds" of change still exist thanks to Rosie! It's possible we may add one more seed to the collection of needed changes for our planet. This new seed may germinate well on 11-20-2009. It will not grow under a Bush!
Thank you for inviting me to be a part of this new
blog. I have been feeling a little out of sorts lately and have not had much to say. But there often comes a time when something else breaks one's silence. I was looking for an image (and a song?) to possibly convey "Moving On" from this silence. Forgive me, DiDi if this movie is a repeat of a video post made by you a while ago. It seems very familiar to me, and I am just not sure if you made reference to it. If not, I have posted it here today with the hope Tobee will approve of its positive and inspirational content ... about "Movin' Awn."
On another but related matter, I would also like to share that I have been thinking once again about speaking with my landlord -- about getting a new kitten. If and when anything positive comes of this, I will be sure to share pictures of _______ and teach my new kitten the only language a cat will ever need -- Tobee!
I'm Movin' Awn
by Rascal Flats
I've dealt wid mye ghosts and I've faced awl mye demons
finally content wid a past Ize regret.
I've fownd you've fownd strength in yur moments ov weakness,
foah wunce I'm at peace wid myzelf.
I've been burdened wid blame
trapped in da past foah too long
I'm movin' awn.
I've lived in dais playz and Ize kno awl da faces
each wun iz different butz theah always da same.
dey meanz mee no harm butz its tyme dat Ize face id;
they'll never allow mee tah change.
Butz Ize never dreamed homee wud end upe wheah Ize don't beelong
I'm movin' awn.
I'm movin' awn,
at lazt Ize cayne zee (at lazt Ize cayne zee)
lyfe haz been patiently waiting foah mee
and Ize kno there's no guarantees.
butz I'm nutt alone.
Theah comez a tyme,
in everyone's lyfe
whin awl yew cayne zee
r da years passing by
and Ize hav made upe mye mind
dat doz days r gone.
I've sold wat Ize kud and packed wat ize couldn't,
Stopped tah fill upe awn mye way owd ov town
I've loved lyke Ize shud butz lived lyke Ize shouldn't;
Ize hat tah loose evereeding tah find owd;
Maybee forgiveness wiyill find mee somewhere down dais road;
I'm movin' awn.
I'm movin' awn
I'm movin' awn.
Translation by Toby Speak Version using the jul08.dic dictionary.
Tanx Max fur yur cul song and nyce videeo prezentayshun. Caspah iz lukin gud wid hiz zeedz. Zo duz Lindab'z Leo luk gud. Amee'z Barack iz gettin wicked bumpee lyke Armonia waz, an more yellow/orangee.
Fuhst off, Ize am in Vahmant awn Mary's compooter and ov course, per blog rewellz must poast in TS zo ... let's zee haow fazt Ize cayne grab da translator ..
Okeedokee. Gotz da translator.
Dais wiyill be brief cuz I've gotta elp Eric move a new oil tank into da basement.
1. Id iz zo grate tah zee yur nayme awn da contributors list.
2. Id iz equally grate tah hear ov yur Casper and tah hear yur Movin Awn mezzage and song.
3. Combleetly unrelated butz Ize must cher; Ize juz ran a 1:41:46 1/2 at Dixville Notch. Fuhst in age. Bruce ran a mind-boggling 1:32. Candace a 1:57. Among da three ov us, awl 1st in age.
4. Ize luv yew.
Brother TcT
Nuhow, let's zee if wee cayne dranzlade dais sucker.
Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2k
using the sep08.dic dictionary.
TOGETHER AGAIN! I knew we couldn't stay away!
If you build it, dey wil come. Aneebodee recommember wat movee dat iz frum?
Dat wud be "A Feeld uf dreemz" wid Kevin Costner. Dew Iz get a guld stah?
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