Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Rose of Sharon

Dais Rose ov Sharon starded lyfe in mye landlord's gahdin way back whin Ize wuz living awn da edge ov da Trinity College campus. Id gets a "haircut" eweree yeer by da hed gardener at 24 Eezt Cedar (dat wud be mye wife) and eweree yeer grows back bigger and mowa beeooteefull dan ever. Da videeoh iz a yiddle shaky butz Ize couldn't resist inclooding id. Be zur tah clickz awn da ztill foah a hieye resolution veeyou ov dais magnificent bush.

Translation by http://primepuzzle.com/blog/jspeek.html
using a 1530 word dictionary.


BuBe said...

very lovely! I like the way all the shrubs are interplanted - nice combeo of colors and textures. Linda B is a master gardener!

ps to TcT - are the transplants surviving till your master gardener gets home? I think I remember the other plant she wanted. BuBe

Tinyc Tim said...

Linda got back Saturday and since then we've weeded the gardens and watered everything including the bee balm and cone flower which are still in the boxes but will get planted probably today. She's kinda wiped out by the month in WG. We went to the track in Wethersfield Tuesday morning for a run / walk w/ my friends Rose, Judi and her daughter.

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

What a great bush! Looks like you have taken great care of it (or should I say LBrad has).