Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sunflowahs and Punkuns

Here's a ztill ov wun ov mye medium-sized sunflowahs, a moovee ov mye punkun vine and a moovee ov mye tallest sunflowah witch juz burst into veeyou in da lazt cupel ov dayz!


Chip Bradley said...

This is amazing. We must be on the same wave length becuase I JUST finished creating a movie of MY garden (with my sunflowah) and pumpkin(s). I liked your Bee Movie Tinyc. The background lawn mower music was excellent. I sure hope I have as many bees as you have! You are WAY ahead of me in the "bloom" department.

Stay tunahd for my Grade Zee movie today.

Chip Bradley said...

Hmmm. Looks like I need to review my Windows Movie Maker skills. There may be some delay in posting my movie. So, for the time beeing, I will post a different image today: It will be similar to the one of Tobee in the silver kitchen strainer. It should be coming at about 2:45 today.

BuBe said...

TcT, I see you are a man of your word - you made it to your garden!Way to go! Things look pretty good for all of your self-proclaimed neglect! ;) BuBe

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Awesome garden shots TcT! Your garden looks wonderful.