Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Creative Kids

It's funny about new things ... how they grab you, open you up to new ideas. You now know I'm a "Scratcher," so far "only" an admirer, for I have yet to create anything worth paying attention to.

I have been browsing what mostly waaaaay under 20-year-olds are putting out. What part of creative do you want to immerse yourself in? The first one, below, is little more than a great I guess they call it Reggae song plus an animated background to look at. Realize this: some "kid" drew every frame of this, cartoon by cartoon.


I recommend you just leave this on, as I currently am doing as I compose this, and listen. I imagine I will tire after a while, but I'm probably up to my 10th go thru and each time thru I get closer to the lyrics. Here comes number 11.

It's impossible to explain what I am trying to explain with words only. Best to throw one more example out and then leave it up to anybody who happens upon this to to take it to whatever next level works for them.

"Escape From School " is totally different but, again, by a young kid who clearly has the "creative gene." Try to imagine how much time she spent on this. I'm at level 5. Really hard. The Scratch code behind this is unbelievable. And the various rooms, sprites, etc. etc. are really good.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dear Ms BuBe ...

Clickz Scratchy da Kat!

Scratch Project

Programming for the rest of us

Merce Cunningham

In case you missed this. I'd never heard of Merce Cunningham till this morning's paper.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mud Cones

Chef Emma is one with the earth. Here she is creating a mud cone.
Leo - ever the critic, says "YUK! !" BuBe is in agreement but loves the

a revival

Friday, July 24, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Heer U Go...

Heah iz sumding foah TcT tah choo awn. A poozle and a piccha! DeeDee toled mee dat Winnoughs had tah be reinstalled awn er compooter, and Photoshop isn't installed yetz. Butz denn zhe remembered zhe kud yews er laptop! Injoy!

Create da numbah 24 uzin onwy deez numbahz wunce each: 3, 3, 7, 7. U may yews onwy da following functions: +, -, *, /. Dais iz nutt a trick quezhun, foah eggzample da anzer duz nutt involve a numbah syztum udda dan base 10 and duz nutt allow foah decimal points.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Ize juz finished a major weed session in mye gahdin. Nuhow dat da wedder iz gorejus, dings r beginning tah luk a lot betah. Mye punkun plantz r ztill reelee zmahl, butz Ize hav hieye hopes they'll be OK comed Octobah. Da title ov da poast wuz chosen based awn da videeoh. Chayek id owd.

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Terra Tiny as of June 12, 2009

The biggest sunflower plant is next to the wall.


My Letter to Nichol

The following is a letter to someone named Nichol. She was kind enough to raise my two cats at the time of their birth up until the 7-week point in time. My cat's (Zee and Atom) are now 5 months old and I wrote Nicole this letter with a link to some pictures taken today

Hi Nicole,

Ize am zo sorree foah mye long long delay in writing. Az u may kno frum Sam, Ize am no longer wid Holee Foodz and am triing tah find sumding elze (job-wise) dat iz mowa satisfying tah mee.

Ize hav bin meaning tah wryte tah u and tah let u kno dat 'Zee' and 'Atom' (nutt Adam) r dong extremely wel. Heah iz a lynk tah their picchas (tayken 2day). Dey r 5 munths "nu" nuhow.

Atom & Zee's pictures at 5 months New

Atom iz da lean wun. He iz vewy strong and luks vewy Siamese-like. Zee iz fluffier (juz az strong) and juz a bit heavier in weight aldough neither ov deez 2 mayels r "heavy ." Dey r avridge in size foah their age. Dey r COMPLETELY happee. Dey zzzzleep togetha and plahay togetha and r nevah apart. Wee awl zzzzleep togetha eweree nite. Dey plahay a grate deal -- always wrestling, butz wid nevah any war-like cries or painful "incidents ." Zee haz a louder meow dan Atom (aldough u wud tink id wud be da udda way aroond. Atom's meow iz lyke a tiny squeaky kawl. Zee's iz nutt objectionable aldough maybee (whin mating seezun begins) Ize wiyill hear dat differently. Ize am tinking ov getting dem neutered in aboot a munth.

Dey lyke tah climb ova EVERYTHING and Ize am continually tawkun tah dem aboot dat and triing tah be gentle. Dey LOVE mee and r always climbing awl ova mee. No "head-bumbing" yetz butz vewy affectionate whin Ize pet dem. Zumtimez dey wiyill axshully BOTH jump upe and climb upe mee lyke a tree and sit togetha awn mye shoulders wyill Ize walk aroond and dew dings (or atemped tah ). Dey hav several toys ztill. Their favorites r yiddle balls wid bellz cawld Midnight crazies. Ize wiyill nutt getz dem de-clawed. Dey LOVE tah yews da rope scratching poast ztill.

Anyway, juz thod Ize wud give u a full report awn their happee lyfe heah. Tanx zo mach foah letting mee adopt dem.

Ize ope awl iz wel wid u and evreewun elze at yur playz.


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Saturday, July 11, 2009

CERN Cab Survysis poozle

Note: If the following reads a little strangely to you, we invite you to the version in plain, boring, English.

CERN Cab Survysis haz bin helping Tobee getz tah wuk. Dey always leave CERN in da morning at da saym tyme, arrive at hiz playz at da saym tyme, pick him upe and drive him back tah CERN. (He's fixing da particle accelerator deez dayz.) Yestahday, Tobee lef hiz playz 1 hour befoah he useyulely gets picked upe and starded

walkin toward CERN. Da cab met him en route, picked him upe, turned aroond and headed back tah CERN. Id arrived 20 minuets earlier dan usual. Ow long had Tobee bin walkin whin da cab picked him upe? Ize kno, id doesn't zound lyke u hav enuff infermashun tah anzer dais. Butz u dew.

If u can't fugur dais owd and itz drivin u nuts ... clickz da spoiler.

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mye kat iz Fourier dan yurz

In the likely event that "Fourier transform" means little to you (would you believe nothing whatsoever?) you could go to Wikipedia which might leave you in even more of a fog or you could just live with knowing it has something to do with representing something by showing the "fundamental frequencies" which, if added together, will produce it. Kind of like chords in music are built from individual notes. In any case, I'm sure Luna the Tuna is glad I haven't had any accidents recently.

To see more of cartoonist Randall Munroe's work, click the above sample cartoon.

Here's another one, slightly less technical, which I like.

Here's the caption he gives:

With reasonable assumptions about latitude and body shape, how much time might she gain them? Note: whatever the answer, sunrise always comes too soon. (Also, is it worth it if she throws up?)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Good News!

A pawzible treatment foah dementia?

Coffee 'may reverse Alzheimer's'

Drinkin five cups ov coffee a day kud reverse memahree probeleymz seen in Alzheimer's disease, US scientists za.

Da Floridah research, carried owd awn mouzies, alzo suggested caffeine hampered da praduckshun ov da protein plaques witch r da hallmark ov da disease.

Preevius research haz alzo suggested a protective effect frum caffeine.

Butz British experts sayd da Journal ov Alzheimer's disease study did nutt meanz dat dementia patients shud start uzin caffeine supplements.

Da 55 mouzies uzed in da Younaversitee ov Floridah study had bin bred tah develop symptoms ov Alzheimer's disease.

Fuhst da researchers uzed behavioural tests tah confirm da mouzies wur exhibiting signs ov memahree impairment whin dey wur aged 18 tah 19 munths, da equivalent tah huminds being aboot 70.

Denn dey gayv haff da mouzies caffeine in their drinkin wada. Da rest wur given playne wada.

Da mouzies wur given da equivalent ov five 8 oz (227 grams) cups ov coffee a day - aboot 500 milligrams ov caffeine.

Da researchers za dais iz da saym az iz fownd in 2 cups ov "specialty" coffees suech az lattes or cappuccinos frum coffee shops, 14 cups ov tea, or 20 soft drinks.

Whin da mouzies wur tested agin aftah 2 munths, doz hoo wur given da caffeine performed mach betah awn tests measuring their memahree and tinking skeeills and performed az wel az mouzies ov da saym age without dementia.

Doz drinkin playne wada continued tah dew poorly awn da tests.

In addition, da brains ov da mouzies given caffeine showed neahlee a 50% reduction in levels ov da beta amyloid protein, witch forms destructive clumps in da brains ov dementia patients.

Fuhthah tests suggested caffeine affects da praduckshun ov both da enzymes needid tah pradeuce beta amyloid.

Da researchers alzo suggest dat caffeine suppresses inflammatory changes in da brayne dat lead tah an overabundance ov da protein.

Earlier research by da saym teem had shown younger mouzies, hoo had alzo bin bred tah develop Alzheimer's butz hoo wur given caffeine in their early adulthood, wur protected against da onset ov memahree probeleymz.

'Safe drug'

Dr Gary Arendash, hoo led da latezt study, toled da BBC: "Da reezults r particularly eggsightin in dat a reversal ov pre-existing memahree impairment iz mowa diffeeculd tah achieve.

"Dey provide evidence dat caffeine kud be a viable 'treatment' foah ahstablizhed Alzheimer's disease and nutt simply a protective strategy.

"Datz important cuz caffeine iz a safe drug foah mohst peeple, id easily enters da brayne, and id appears tah directly affect da disease process ."

Da teem nuhow ope tah begin humind trials ov caffeine tah zee if da mouzie findings r replicated in peeple.

Dey dew nutt kno if a lower amound ov caffeine wud be az effective, butz sayd mohst peeple kud safely consume da 500 milligrams per day.

Howevah dey sayd peeple wid hieye blood prezzur, and pregnant women, shud limit their daily caffeine intake.

Rebecca Wood, chief executive ov da Alzheimer's Research Trust, sayd: "In dais study awn mouzies wid symptoms ov Alzheimer's, researchers fownd dat caffeine boosted their memahree. Wee need tah dew mowa research tah find owd whether dais effect wiyill be seen in peeple.

"Id iz too early tah za whether drinkin coffee or taykin caffeine supplements wiyill elp peeple wid Alzheimer's.

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

4th of July 2009


Clickz da piccha tah zee a bigger wun!

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tiny-c Meteor Showers may be cool but how 'bout the real thing ...

How many people do you know that floss after a Fourth of July cookout? (Answer: At least two if you frequent this blog cuz you know Linda and me)