Saturday, July 11, 2009

CERN Cab Survysis poozle

Note: If the following reads a little strangely to you, we invite you to the version in plain, boring, English.

CERN Cab Survysis haz bin helping Tobee getz tah wuk. Dey always leave CERN in da morning at da saym tyme, arrive at hiz playz at da saym tyme, pick him upe and drive him back tah CERN. (He's fixing da particle accelerator deez dayz.) Yestahday, Tobee lef hiz playz 1 hour befoah he useyulely gets picked upe and starded

walkin toward CERN. Da cab met him en route, picked him upe, turned aroond and headed back tah CERN. Id arrived 20 minuets earlier dan usual. Ow long had Tobee bin walkin whin da cab picked him upe? Ize kno, id doesn't zound lyke u hav enuff infermashun tah anzer dais. Butz u dew.

If u can't fugur dais owd and itz drivin u nuts ... clickz da spoiler.

Translation by using a 1528 word dictionary.


BuBe said...

how about one little clue??

Tinyc Tim said...

Think about what's different in the two round trips. What section of the road is *not* taken by the cab in the shorter round trip? How long would it take the cab to travel this section, each way?

This may, or may not, help. But I'm pleased somebody out there is trying to get this.

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Oh boy, a puzzle! This might take a while...

Tinyc Tim said...

"Bradley's Laws" always apply. Pacifically, Bradley's First Law.

My obfuscated way to suggest studying this post carefully might help.

Tinyc Tim said...

The version of this poozle that's in English has a cool new feature: an "image peeler."

Plus, it, like the Toby version, has a "spoiler" link which seems either to have eluded readers or added to the confusion.

Anyway, I think this poozle is so interesting, I'm posting this comment in hopes somebody finds the spoiler and learns how long Toby walked.

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Thanks for the spoiler, I don't think I would have gotten it otherwise!

BuBe said...

Boy oh boy, da light is not dawning over marlblehead in EH at all, even after reading the spoiler. Feeling kind of math deficit right now. I tried and tried, but still missing it. I think my logic center is clogged.

Tinyc Tim said...

Here's my handwritten explanation.

Tinyc Tim said...

In my it seems never ending attempt to explain this thing, I have replaced the handwritten spoiler with one that's a lot easier to read. You may click the spoiler line here or the one in the post.

Hey, Ms BuBe, Mr Max, Ms DeeDee, is this not the clearest thing you've ever read?!

BuBe said...

your explanation is based on YOUR ASSUMPTION of a time frame - what happens if the normal time for the cab to go each way is only 15 minutes or a half hour or 3 hours? What if Tobee walks a 7 minute mile or a 15 minute mile? What if the cab is driving 35 mph or 90 mph? What if the cab gets a flat?

Tinyc Tim said...

Please see

tough customer.txt

BuBe said...

not tough - just dense! As many times as I look at your explanations and illustrations, I still cannot see it. I am thinking dementia has set in. Next time we get together in person, let's do the explanation in person on paper so I can query where I need to - this is really BUGGING me! :( Am glad you have so much patience - you must be a great tutor to those that actually have a functioning brain. ;)

Tinyc Tim said...

Well my patience and your perseverance are well matched. This is *not* an easy thing to understand. And you're right; teaching / learning are best done face to face, not computer terminal to computer terminal. Next time we get together we can talk it thru,

BuBe said...

thanks, Tct! now on to something less stressing for me - cooking dinner! :()