I have been browsing what mostly waaaaay under 20-year-olds are putting out. What part of creative do you want to immerse yourself in? The first one, below, is little more than a great I guess they call it Reggae song plus an animated background to look at. Realize this: some "kid" drew every frame of this, cartoon by cartoon.
I recommend you just leave this on, as I currently am doing as I compose this, and listen. I imagine I will tire after a while, but I'm probably up to my 10th go thru and each time thru I get closer to the lyrics. Here comes number 11.
It's impossible to explain what I am trying to explain with words only. Best to throw one more example out and then leave it up to anybody who happens upon this to to take it to whatever next level works for them.
"Escape From School " is totally different but, again, by a young kid who clearly has the "creative gene." Try to imagine how much time she spent on this. I'm at level 5. Really hard. The Scratch code behind this is unbelievable. And the various rooms, sprites, etc. etc. are really good.
hoping these creative kids are applying some of this to their school work! These are pretty interesting. I could only spend enough time to get to level 3 and will get back to it another time. Thanks for the entertainment factor, TcT!
Yeah, good point. "Escape From School" author Aoile Doyle wrote me and said "we started in school (how i found out about scratch) only about 3 months ago and that project was my school assignment for the term."
So they're integrating programming, drawing, playing and learning over there in Australia.
What a concept.
hope Aoile received high marks for that one!
All pretty chool!
Here's something that was clearly written by someone who is very clever. I'm still studying the code.
53 Curliecues
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