The Tevatron is located at Fermilab near Chicago
Europe's particle physics lab, Cern, iz losing ground rapidly in da race tah dizcuvah da elusive Higgs boson, or "Gawd particle", its US rival claims.
Da particle, whose existence haz bin predicted by theoreticians, wud elp tah eggsplain why mattah haz morass.
Finding da Higgs iz a major goal ov Cern's Lahge Hadron Callidah (LHC ).
Butz da US Fermilab sayz da odds ov its Tevatron accelerator detecting da famed particle fuhst r nuhow 50-50 at worst, and upe tah 96% at best.
Both machines ope tah zee evidence ov da Higgs by colliding sub-atomic mattah at vewy hieye speeds. If id exists, da Higgs shud emerge frum da debris.
Da LHC haz bin owd ov akshun zins lazt September whin an accident damaged summ ov da magnets dat make upe its giant colliding wring.
Project leedah Lyn Evans conceded da enforced downtime might cost da European lab wun ov da biggest prizes in physics.
Cern and Fermilab officials squared upe at da Amayericun Association foah da Advancement ov Science (AAAS) annual meeting in Chicago.
Grand prix
Identifying da so-called Gawd Particle haz bin a target foah da European Organization foah Nuclear Research (Cern) ever zins da LHC wuz fuhst conceived in da early 1980s.
"Wee r increasing dayta set vewy quickly. And dey [Cern] r feeling da heat." (Dmitri Denisov, Fermilab)
At da lawnch ov da LHC neah Geneva in September, summ scientists predicted da Higgs wud be revealed az zoon az summah 2009.
Butz juz wun week lader, an accident occurred witch wiyill halt xpurriments at da accelerator foah at least 12 munths.
Fermilab haz tayken advantage, cranking upe da intensity ov research at their Tevatron accelerator in Illinois.
Director Pier Oddone presented da Tevatron's latezt dayta at da AAAS meeting.
"Wee nuhow hav a vewy, vewy gud chaunce dat wee wiyill zee hints ov da Higgs befoah da LHC wiyill ,"sayd hiz Fermilab colleague, Dr Dmitri Denisov.
"Ize tink wee hav da nex 2 years tah find id, based awn da start date Lyn Evans haz toled us.
"And by dat tyme wee expect tah za sumding vewy strong.
"Da probubbillitee ov owah discovering da Higgs iz vewy gud - 90% if id iz in da hieye morass range.
"And da chances r evun hieyer - 96% - if its morass iz aroond 170GeV (giga-electron volts ).
"In dat case wee wud be tawkun aboot ceeing hints ov da Higgs by dais summah."
Treasure hunt
Da smaller da morass ov da particle, da mowa diffeeculd and time-consuming id wiyill be foah Fermilab tah detect.
Butz evun at da lowest end ov da range, da chances r "50% or abuv", according tah Mr Oddone.
"Tevatron iz running extremely wel. Wee r in da peak ov owah shape," added Dr Denisov.
"Wee r increasing owah data-set vewy quickly. And dey r feeling da heat.
"Instead ov having their usual Kristmaz break - ov 2 munths - [LHC scientists] r planning tah run awl da way throo.
"Itz a race. Whoever iz fuhst iz fuhst."
Fermilab estimates dat da Tevatron haz awlready picked owd aboot eight collision events witch may be hints ov da Higgs.
Butz unetill da numbah crunching iz dun, id iz nutt pawzible tah distinguish deez frum "background noise".
Fired upe
Sittin shoulder-to-shoulder wid Dr Denisov wuz hiz counterpart Professor Lyn Evans, LHC project leedah.
"Da race iz awn," he toled BBC Nooz.
"Da Tevatron iz wuking betah dan Ize ever imagined id kud. Dey r accumulating dayta lyke mad.
"Da setback wid da LHC haz given dem an extrah tyme winnough. And dey certinlee wiyill make da mohst ov id.
"If dey dew find da Higgs, gud luck tah dem. Butz Ize tink itz unlikely dey wiyill find id befoah da LHC comez online. Dey may wel be in a position tah getz a hint ov da Higgs butz Ize don't tink they'll be in a position tah dizcuvah id.
"And ov course, if itz nutt in da morass range dey tink id iz, dey hav no chaunce ov discovering id at awl. Pier Oddone put da odds at 50-50 butz Ize tink itz lezz dan dat.
"In wun yeer, wee wiyill be competitive. Aftah dat, wee wiyill swamp dem."
Da competition wuz healthy foah "both parties", added Professor Evans. Tho mizzing owd awn da Higgs wud be a "sour consolation", he admitted.
"Da trouble iz, da LHC haz bin sold awn being built foah da Higgs.
"Butz don't ferget, theah iz alzo a holee spectrum ov physics tah be investigated at da LHC witch da Tevatron cayne nevah dew."
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