Tobee wanted tah make a nu poozle. He haz 4 match sticks ov equal length. Frum doz, he cayne easily make a square. At each ov da vertices, theah iz a ryet angle, or a ninety-degree angle, zo theah r 4 ryet angles. Tobee wanz tah kno ow tah make nutt 4 butz 16 ninety-degree angles uzin doz saym 4 matchsticks without bending or breaking dem. Cayne u elp him?
Dais poozle wuz way too eazy foah Luna da Tuna hoo solved id in aboot a minit. Zhe denn ate wun ov da matches, leaving onwy three and arranged dem in suech a way dat dey formed 12 ryet angles. Ow did zhe dew dat?
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using a 1409 word dictionary.
u r suppossed tah anzer da quezhun, nutt ask mowa! Ize give upe, Ize onwy getz 8.
Ize tink Reighn figured dais owd. Zhe wuz awn line and zent mee an email. Ize wiyill email er response tah DeeDee and denn ANOTHER response tah Tineecee foah "moah" solutions foah Luna da Tuna match-eating adjusted answers. Stay tunad foah Rain's solutions. Ize ope zhe iz ryet, egzpecialy foah da 3-match / 12-right-angle quezhun.
Wow, Reighn's smaht. Ize sorry DeeDee. I jus didna wanna give it away and wanted to give udders a chanze. I furgot dat Reigh was a Mensa kat. Canst weight fur his antsirs.
My upologeeze for the butshured Tobee Speek. I jus gotz lazy.
I know I know I know! I sent an email to Amy with a hyperlink to my drawing to illustrate. Did not want to post my hyperlink to this blog as I don't want any Greek (or other)virus invasions - I guess I am on the tailend of things again, but I am here nevertheless!
Bube deserves credit Ize tink foah er email lynk tah DeeDee. Tanx, Tineecee foah addig Reighn tah da Mensa kat group. Zhe iz vewy apreeshatif. Tanx alzo tah Bube foah er kynde comments tah mee aboot mye Framingham job chainj aftah Valentymes Day.
And wuz Reign's paht 2 alzo a gud antsir or duz zhe ztill need tah bone upe awn er match deezyning skeeills?
I guess only Reighn, Max and Ize noze about his 12 ryet angle "solution" butz bending machaz is illeagle soze the poozle panel haz put da kaybosh on it. I'll give you a hint, of sorts. The 12 ryet angle configuration requires that you move into another dimension.
Non-planar Geometer, TcT
Everybody will be getting a star on this one. It was a three way tie.
TcT, I iz nutt mad, Ize waz kiddin. I juz can't wrap my mind around the 3 match stick solution, soree. Maybe BuBe can get it?
My 3 matchstick problem is pretty cryptic, even with my little hint. The dice we use in Firefox to notify us there's a new post is a huge hint. So, before I reveal a complete solution, which BTW nobody's come up with yet, here's what Sunday's die looks like (for BuBe's benefit, since she doesn't use FF)
Sunday's die
Darn! I think I MAY know how do do the 12 ninty degree angles problem. But I have to go get a haircut at 3:45 pm. Hopefully no one will beat me to da solooshun. Sorry for the bad Tobee words. I will try to give my antsir early this evening...
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