Friday, February 27, 2009


Amee wuz at da doctor's yestahday, and dey had a poozle book in da waytin room. Zhe fownd dais poozle and thod TcT wud lyke id, cause id haz tah dew wid palindromes.

A man iz drivin awn a trip. He notices dat da mileage awn hiz odometer juz turned ova tah 15951 miyellz. He feels pleased dat he haz notissed dat dais iz a palindrome and tinkz id iz a rare occurrence. Dare4 he iz surprised whin 2 hours lader anothah palindrome appears awn da odometer. Wat wuz da nu palindrome numbah, and ow fazt wuz he drivin in da 2 hours?


Tinyc Tim said...

Ize uzed da "BuBe method" foah dais wun. Max (whin he's settled) and BuBe wiyill injoy wuking awn dais.

And nuhow (you're gonna kill mee) here's da extrah credit paht.

Many years lader, dais saym guy starts owd awn a long trip. He ztill drives at exactly da saym speed az he did in da fuhst trip. He takes no pee stops and no fud stops throughout da trip. (He packed lotz ov peanut butter and Recharge and 'nanas.) He retrofit hiz cah w/ highly efficient solar collectors and converted da cah ova tah electric zo stopping foah gas wuz nutt an issue. He alzo packs a lot ov hieye test Joe and Coke zo zzzzleep in nutt a probelem. Need wee ad dat hiz cah nevah breaks down?

Hiz trip starded at 7 AM. He notissed dat hiz odometer read 981189. Wat tyme iz id whin da odometer iz palindromic agin?

Translation by
using a 1429 word dictionary.

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Ize am gowin tah e-mail mye anzer tah u, Tineecee. Butz Ize must za, dat must be a reelee owld guy, wid a reelee gud cah!

Tinyc Tim said...

Tobee juz wrote mee a purrzonul note in witch he both answered da extrah credit quezhun korrektlee (and phrased hiz anzer in suech a way dat evun Ize wuz unable tah find a singul flaw) butz alzo informed mee dat during a vizit tah da vette he 1. behaved exceptionally wel and 2. managed tah gayn da nu title ov Mastah ov da Youneeverze.

Hiz nu statuz iz beeg nooz indeed. Ize don't beeleev theah iz any hieyer rank (aldough theah r doz hoo feel wee r imbedded in a multiverse, zo perhaps he, or shud Ize za, He ztill haz a rung tah climb). Congrachulashuns Tobee. Yur nu title haz bin added tah da list awn da Tobee Speek Dishunary Surch Fazillidee page.

Translation by using a 1429 word dictionary.

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Tanx Tineecee foah spreading da nooz aboot mye nu title. And foah addig id tah da dishunary surch fazillidee page. Amee toled mee tah mention alzo dat da udda day Amee and Myke notissed dat Ize walk wid a swaggah. Wouldn't u walk wid a swaggah if u wur Mastah ov da Youneeverze?

PS: Cayne u teyell mee wat da probubbillitee ov ceeing da saym piccha ov mee whin hitting refresh awn da English/Toby Speek Dranzlador page, if theah r 18 picchas ov mee? Amee sayd zhe wud lyke tah kno, and doesn't kno da anzer. Maybee u kud eggsplain ow u fugur owd probubbillitee tah er. Zhe tinkz id may be 5%.

Anonymous said...

reelee owld guy, wid a reelee gud cah! moe impressively, a reelee gud bladda! (or recykled coke kanz), first and extra credit answers emailed

Tinyc Tim said...

Looks like DeeDee 'n' BuBe are experts on figuring out palindrome problems. Thanks for not killing me for asking another question instead of answering the original question. I can't help myself.

DeeDee's question about seeing the same image of Toby on the Translator was an interesting one. Please visit expected value for probably more than you ever need to know about this.

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Tanx TcT for your great explanation. I am glad I remembered enough to get it right.

On another topic, it is interesting how I posted the picture for this post once, and now it is on there twice. I wundah how that happened.

Tinyc Tim said...

I think we've simply been lucky enough to experience what I call the "Twilight Zone" effect. It's more likely that I screwed up but this is what I experienced: While wanting to grab your palindrome image, I saved the image locally (fortunately, read on ...). I then noticed that the post no longer had the image in it. I have no clue how it vanished. Since I had the image, I edited your post, adding the image where I thought you put it. Everything looked good; one image.

So, the minute you told me there were two images, I knew what I did (either consciously or otherwise) must have been "to blame."

I've edited the post, again, deleting the duplicate image.

I wonder what the probability of seeing 0 images, 1 image, 2 images (3 images!) down the road is?

I don't think any of that fancy math you just read covers the "Twilight Zone" effect.

Maybe it's that Kwantum Mechanick staring up at us on 1 Mar '9 that's been messing w/ mollykewels.

Chip Bradley said...

Hi! I just wanted to chime in here saying that I was very good and did not read too much further in the comets AND I tried to figure owd the cah questions. I will email my answer(s) to Tineecee. If I am right awn bof, can you let those who know da ansahs know what iz cayme up wid? Tanks.