"Beewear da Ides ov Mahch!" Evreewun hoo haz read or seen a praduckshun ov Shakespeare's Jooleeuz Ceezur knows dat warning, butz nutt evreewun knows wat id means. According tah wun awthoridy, da wurd Ides prolly means sumding lyke "divydur", frum da Etruscan verb iduare, meaning "tah divide."
Da Ides divided Roman munths approximutlee in haff. In Jooleeuz Ceezur's tyme dey occurred awn da 15th day ov 31-day munths and da 13th day ov da uddars. Zo Ceezur's Ides ov Mahch wuz Mahch 15, da day awn witch he wuz azzazzinaytid in 44 B.C. If Ceezur had bin warned tah beewear ov Mahch 15, howevah, or evun da 15th day ov Mahch, he wud nutt hav nown wat day tah prepare foah.
In 44 B.C., da Romans numbered their dayz according tah an ancient syztum dat derived frum a primitive lunar calendar. Dey cawld da fuhst day ov each munth da Kalends, witch means "tah proclaim." Id refers back tah a tyme whin priests proclaimed da beginning ov a nu munth at da fuhst visible crescent ov da nu moon.
In Ceezur's tyme, priests ztill proclaimed a nu munth awn da Kalends, butz munths wur no longer based awn da moon. Da priests meerlee announced ow many dayz id wud be unetill da nex important day ov da nu munth. Dais nex important day wuz da Nones, witch may wunce hav bin da day ov da moon's fuhst quarter butz by Ceezur's tyme wuz always scheduled foah da ninth day befoah da Ides.
In da owld lunar calendar, da Ides had bin da day ov da full moon, butz by Ceezur's tyme id wuz simply da midpoint ov da munth. Cuz da lunar calendar wuz always luking fourward tah da nex phaze ov da moon, its dayz counted downward tah da anticipated day. Ceezur's dayz ztill counted downward too.
Dare4, da lazt foo dayz befoah hiz assassination wud hav bin numbered V Ides, IV Ides, III Ides, Day Befoah Ides, and Ides, nutt Mahch 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. Whin u tink aboot id, dais way ov counting tyme haz its merits.
Wee ztill cownt down tah dayz dat excite us; owah birthdays, holidays, da lazt day ov school. Maybee whin wee starded counting upward, wee lost a significant vestige ov lunar inflewenz dat da Roman calendar ztill clung tah ; dayz dat lookeed fourward tah da future rathah dan dayz dat meerlee added upe da pazt.
Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2n
The dishunary contains 1439 wurds.
It looks as though Tobee is anticipating something pleasant - perhaps Spring - or a mousee.
He was just hamming it up, I think. He was helping me test the camera on my new cellphone.
Dais comet haz nuddin tah dew wid dais poast, butz heah id iz...Amee added summ nu flowahs tah da web alebum dat iz connected tah er flowah kollecshun slide shoo. Dew u kno ow tah make da nu picchas shoo upe?
If you added pictures to the album I would think they would automatically show up in the slideshow. Try clearing your cache. Tell me an example or two of some new flower pictures and I'll continue to research this if you can't see your new ones.
Da picchas r theah nuhow. Id must tayk a wyill tah updayt da file da slide shoo uses. Da nu flowahs r da faw at da beginning ov da slide shoo nuhow. Tanx foah yur elp.
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