Monday, May 4, 2009

3rd generation Oregon Max Giant Russian Sunflower

This 3rd generation seed planted by Emma 4-1-09, nurtured by BuBe in cellar under grow lights, hardened off in shed for a week, then transplanted to garden 4-29-09 after checking night time temps for next 10 days. It was a battle in the cellar, as the bottom 4 sets of leaves wilted from mildew. Since in the ground, it is looking purty good!
Since this little one had such a hard start, I would not be surprised if the two new sprouts being nurtured by TcT and Max will surpass Emma's sunflower by leaps and bounds. But we are giving it the ol' college try!


Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Good luck with your sunflowah Bube. It luks reelee gud. Since you have a super green thumb, I would be surprised if it is anything less than spectacular!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the encouragement, DeeDee!