Saturday, May 23, 2009

Max Gets Ready tah Palant Mowa Dings

Ize hav put togetha a foo mowa picchas ov mye (uncuvud) plantz and wantid tah cher dem wid u. Theah iz quide a bit ov discushun aboot sunflowahs (wid linking) heah, butz u cayne alzo read aboot punkuns (zoon) aftah u clickz awn da ornj lynk.


BuBe said...

Wow - such a great start on your new garden - did you know your bleeding heart will probably go dormant and totally disappear in that full sunlight? Violets will keep on keeping on if you keep pinching off spent blooms. You managed to score some impressive specimens! Great Growing! Looking forward to updates. Guess I will have to get busy and get something posted from my little part of the earth.

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Tanx for all the photos and data. Your garden seems to be progressing nicely. Keep up the good work!