Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Books I've Been Reading ...

This post doesn't exactly fit in with this blog but then again, since it's now on this blog, I guess it does.

A strange lead-in indeed. But in a way, it's an excellent example of the kind of thing I'm reading about.

Let's get to the point. The three things I am currently reading are

1. "The Universe In A Single Atom" by His Holiness the Dalai Lama
2. "Quantum Healing" by Deepak Chopra
3. "The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics" by Hugh Everett

I will refrain from getting too carried away explaining how I got interested in these works, what I have learned by reading them etc. There are many common threads that connect the three books.

In this "Age of Google" you should be able to learn a great deal about the above by searching on these titles / authors.

I will tell you that I learned about the third entry above when I fell upon a NOVA documentary featuring Hugh Everett's son Mark Everett. Please visit

Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

I had never heard of Hugh Everett until I saw the NOVA program. His son Mark is a singer in a Rock Band called Eels and is a totally non-technical guy. If you ever get a chance to see this NOVA show, don't miss it.

Here are a couple of sentences from Deepak Chopra's book that might wet your appetite:

pg 69 "But now we know that the mind and body are like parallel universes. Anything that happens in the mental universe must leave tracks in the physical one."

pg 76 "Before these discoveries science declared we are physical machines that have somehow learned to think. Now it dawns that we are thoughts that have learned to create a physical machine."

"The Universe In A Single Atom" was a gift to my wife by one of her sisters. I think Amy especially would enjoy this one.

So ... that's it ... just a little "check 'em out and buy 'em / read 'em" for a Wednesday afternoon from yours truly.


Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Very interesting topics TcT! I wonder if you can watch Nova programs on the internet. I'll have to check it out.

Tinyc Tim said...

As I expect you have already determined, NOVA does have some archived shows which you can watch online. The particular show I watched is not available but I did discover that a DVD of it is available and I was so interested in it I have ordered it (to the tune of about $50 ... ouch). I have also emailed Peter Byrne who is writing a biography of Hugh Everett. I don't expect a response from him (but of course would be pleased if I got one). His book will be titled "The Devil's Pitchfork: Multiple Universes, Mutually Assured Destruction, and the Meltdown of a Nuclear Family."
Peter Byrne 
PS - Peter Byrne did reply to my email and wrote:

"thx. The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett (OUP) will be out in early 2010."

OUP stands for Oxford University Press. It appears he might have changed the title of the book.

Chip Bradley said...

I read the text on Peter Byrne and can now see why he is so interesting to you. His life (style) seemed to be one of two paths, too -- which reminded me of his studies itself -- about the Mind / Body Universes being "two parallel" things. It was also interesting to hear you talk (in our call with each other the other day) about how we are not really "bodies" but really thought which has "created" this thing we call our bodies -- or something to this effect. I'll have to look at these links a little more. Interesting stuff. Thanks