Id wuz onwy a foo minuets aftah Ize read Bube's poast aboot da temps gowin down tah frost levels lazt nite dat Ize had finished covering mye own plantz. Heah r summ picchas ov doz. Aftah taykin deez picchas 2 nite ago, Ize notissed a dandilyon flowah had developed a seed hed nex tah mye gahdin. Id wuz quide by accident dat Ize gotz dais piccha tah luk az nyce az id iz. Ize did a yiddle Photoshopping tah id and caym upe with this "Universal Dandilion Galaxy Cluster ." Kynde ov cosmic don't u tink?
O yes -- da important ding tah mention iz dat da covering ov da plantz worked! Mye sunflowah iz ztill alive az r mye violets, mye bleeding hart (Dicentra) and mye Peony.
Nice job on the Photoshop there, Max. Glad your plants made it!
PS - Can we see some photos of uncovered plants?
What a 'brilliant" dandylion photo. I love it! After all my coverup operations the temp fell to 41 here - but am feeling better safe than sorry. Glad you were able to survive the cool night as well, Max. Now let's see them!!
The Statistics book we use at Tunxis has a picture of a Dandy Lion on its cover. See Dandy Cover. I've always found this image fascinating. Both as a complex image in its own right and as something that might fit in with the study of Statistics itself.
And now we see Max capturing this incredible plant in its full glory.
photos of uncovered plants coming soon...
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