Heah iz a list ov zeeds dat DeeDee haz frum lazt yeer (clickz awn da piccha tah enlarge). Da wuns dat r circled r da wuns dat wur planted lazt yeer. IF DeeDee plantz a punkun, cayne u elp er pick owd witch seed tah palant? Any suggestions wud be appreciated. Juz wun dais yeer. Zhe may alzo palant a sunflowah. Tanx.
If it helps any, Leo and Emma's 2008 EH pumpkins came from '06 Rosie and Armonia seeds, respectively and they were really pretty, not very big, but big enough. Emma had two good sized pumpkins from Armonia seeds growing in Suffield, that got to be about 20# each before being imploded by a slug of some sort. Now 3 years later, it will be interesting to see if the '06 seeds will still germinate. If I had to choose, I would go with the sunflower - doesn't take a large footprint, handles drought better, less pest problems (except squirrels might climb up it) and quite possibly you could grow it right next to your front door stoop (and Tobee could chase the sauirrels away!).
Hi Tobee, - Atom & Zee heah. Wee hav bin noticing yur comments awn da blog aboot Dee Dee's thawts awn possibly grewing sumding frum Max's list. Wee hav spoken tah Max aboot dais and he toled us tah teyell u tah teyell Dee Dee dat he tinkz da #2 OR da #5 sunflowah wiyill be VERY eggsightin tah tri. Max sayd he wud be vewy pleased tah zee da Oregon sunflowah zeeds groe mainly cuz he wanz mowa ov doz seed tah tri in 2010. U kno ow he iz wid zeeds. Anyway, he alzo sayd tah "deep six" #'s 7-11 cuz dey r dead az door nails awlready. Wat wuz he tinking whin he zent questionable stufe lyke dat !? Nuhow, az far az #13 goz, he iz yntarezded in yur triing dat wun too. Max iz awayah u wan tah groe onwy 1 or 2 dings zo he wanted tah remind u and uddars dat punkuns zeeds ztill groe successfully aftah 7 years if in ideal storage cundishuns. Dais means u kud wayt 'till nex yeer tah groe #13. Maybee denn Dee Dee wiyill hav irrigation resources too!
Max alzo wanted us tah teyell Dee Dee dat he haz several "Cazpah" 2008 zeeds frum hiz haunted pipes gahdin punkun (hiz onwy wun! ).Tineecee Tim iz triing tah groe wun ov doz and zo iz Max. U cayne kat mayle us and wee cayne pass awn da request tah Max tah ship 3 Cazpah zeeds tah er. Bube and Emma might wan summ Cazpah zeeds too (if dey hav spaiz ).
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