Friday, March 27, 2009
Fridee'z Poozle
Awn wun syde ov a rivah r three huminds, wun beeg monkee, 2 zmahl monkees, and wun bote. Each ov da huminds and da beeg monkee r strong enuff tah row da bote. Da bote cayne fit wun or 2 bodees (regardless ov size ). If at any tyme at eder syde ov da rivah da monkees outnumbah da huminds da monkeys wiyill eet da huminds. Ow dew u getz evreewun awn da udda syde ov da rivah alive?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
More Stats
Happee Spring! Wat kynde ov flowahs r doz in da cowntdown box? Zno drops?
Tyme foah dais week's poozle. TcT, Ize am sorree dat Ize can't zeem tah wrap mye mind aroond da solooshun tah Millie da Millipede's sox problem, maybee u cayne teyell us da anzer?
Za u wryte ten letters, and wryte owd ten envelopes. Denn u playz da letters in da envelopes at random. Ow many letters awn avridge wud end upe in da ryet envelopes?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Zee & Oreo -- The Movie
Hi everyone. I saw my future kitties today and took a few pictures of them. Here are three images that came out well. The movie (a CiniMax film) shows 'Oreo' near the end. She slept in my lap the whole time I took all the other pictures. She did not want to leave me -- which both Nicole and I found rather interesting! Her eyes are as blue as the mother's eyes and she has 4 white paws and a big white 'T' on her tiny belly. Right now, she and 'Zee' are about as big as 1.5 of my fists. Their names are still temporary, but they sound good for now. I hope you enjoy the movie. Maybe at the end of March they will be ready to make their way to their new home here in Marborrow.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Tobee iz gowin awn a trip tah da Zen Masters' summit meeting. He kneadz tah leave foah hiz flight at 4:00 AM. He haz hiz suitcase awl packed. He kneadz tah getz hiz cloze in da dark zo he doesn't wake Amee & Myke upe. He haz hiz cloze awl laid owd, eggzept foah hiz sox. Hiz sox r nutt put into pairs yetz. He haz 18 white sox, and 16 black sox. Ow many sox wiyill he need tah grab in da dark tah make zur he haz two matching pairs (can be 4 black, 4 white, or 2 black + 2 white)?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Anothah Piccha frum Max
Heah wee hav anothah piccha frum Max witch he zent lazt week, entitled "Dais iz what's awn mye kichin table". Frum dais wee cayne zee dat he iz getting plenty ov fruit, and dat he haz managed tah keep da spearit ov Kristmaz alive wid hiz poinsettia. And, he iz staying tooned in tah da world wid hiz radio.
Monday, March 9, 2009
tobee tokens
Awn Lyne Fridee
Tah zellabrate da predicted "Awn Lyne Fridee" reappearance by Mr. Max, Luna da Tuna and TcT hav dasided tah invent a foo nu wurds witch wiyill nutt onwy dahquement da virtual sightings he haz provided via cell phone butz alzo suppleement da cut flowahs Amee haz reecentlee photographed (cuz da second item below iz axshully living and iz thus afishilly recognized az da vewy fuhst living ding produced by da Interpres Quartet).
Owah fuhst sighting wuz
Max's Nu Headquarters
We're nutt entirely zur wheah he gotz da Reighn Forest clip he included in dais fuhst sighting butz r guessing 65 Broad must be paht ov a jungle and he recorded id tah shoo us wat kynde ov neighborhood he wiyill nuhow cher wid da udda primates and fowl. Primates, u recall I'm zur, r doz hoo tend tah pick frends if dey dig primes. Fowl r members ov da genus Peaches-n-Herbie (and hav no particular preference whin id comez tah numbahz.)
Moovin ryet along...
Owah second sighting wuz hiz
Ahhhvocahhhdough Palant
witch, agin, iz da winner ov da "Hoo cayne pradeuce da fuhst living ding in 2009?" contest. We're sorree if u missed da announcement ov dais contest. Id iz an annual event dat takes playz during da 1st week ov Mahch. Put id awn yur 2010 calendar. In dais case, da azzosheayted Roaring Crowd clip maykes purrfek sense zins clearly Max iz sellabraytig da coming ov Spring, da beauty ov Vegetables and da fact dat he wiyill, wunce agin, be able tah paint, compute, contribeaut, maybee pick upe a kitteh or 2 and, fynlee, zzzzleep awn a reyal bed in a nu (tah him) and spacious playz.
Wellcum back Max! Wee missed u!
Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2n
The dishunary contains 1484 wurds.
Heah Comez da Zun
As I sit watching the snow fall here in Portland, I wonder where yesterday's sun and warm temperatures went! I imagine BuBe who was out working in her yard with no coat and no bugs. I imagine the beach where I walked. For now, I have to be happy with taking pictures of cut flowers. But, it is only 11 days until the first day of spring. And it is light until 6:40 now. In honor of the sun, here is a song from Toby:
Heah Comez da Zun - Da Beatles
Heah comez da zun, heah comez da zun,
and Ize za itz awl ryet
Yiddle darling, itz bin a long cold lonlee wintah
Yiddle darling, id feels lyke years zins itz bin heah
Heah comez da zun, heah comez da zun
and Ize za itz awl ryet
Yiddle darling, da zmyellz returning tah da faces
Yiddle darling, id zeems lyke years zins itz bin heah
Heah comez da zun, heah comez da zun
and Ize za itz awl ryet
Zun, zun, zun, heah id comez...
Zun, zun, zun, heah id comez...
Zun, zun, zun, heah id comez...
Zun, zun, zun, heah id comez...
Zun, zun, zun, heah id comez...
Yiddle darling, Ize feel dat ice iz sloelee melting
Yiddle darling, id zeems lyke years zins itz bin clear
Heah comez da zun, heah comez da zun,
and Ize za itz awl ryet
Itz awl ryet
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Outsmart Yur Fut
1. Wyill sittin at yur desk in frunt ov yur compooter, lift yur ryet fut off da flor and make clockwise circles.
2. Nuhow, wyill dewing dais, draw da numbah '6' in da air wid yur ryet hayend. Yur fut wiyill chainj direction.
Ize tried id five tiemz, itz troo. Da body iz a faztinaing ding!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Dais Week's Poozle
A bicyclist iz 2/3 way throo hiz ryde whin he gets a puncture in wun ov da bike's tires. He haz tah walk da rest ov da way, and da walkin takes twice az long az da ryde did. Ow many tiemz faster duz he ryde dan walk on this trip?
Translation by
using a 1479 word dictionary.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Name Game
Toby Toby
Bo Boby
Banana Fana Fo Foby
Fee Fi Mo Moby
Max Max
Bo Bax
Banana Fana Fo Fax
Fee Fi Mo ax
Bo BcT
Banana Fana Fo FcT
Fee Fi Mo McT
DeeDee DeeDee
Bo BeeDee
Banana Fana Fo FeeDee
Fee Fi Mo MeeDee
Luna Luna
Bo Buna
Banana Fana Fo Funa
Fee Fi Mo Muna
da da
Bo Ba
Banana Fana Fo Fa
Fee Fi Mo Ma
Tuna Tuna
Bo Buna
Banana Fana Fo Funa
Fee Fi Mo Muna
Herbie Herbie
Bo Berbie
Banana Fana Fo Ferbie
Fee Fi Mo Merbie
Peaches Peaches
Bo Beaches
Banana Fana Fo Feaches
Fee Fi Mo Meaches
BuBe BuBe
Bo uBe
Banana Fana Fo FuBe
Fee Fi Mo MuBe
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Wallpapah & Woggin
Ize mayd dais collage owd ov mye flowah kollecshun slide shoo foah mye dezktop wallpapah. Ize thod dat BuBe might lyke tah tri id too. Theah iz black spaiz aroond da edges foah yur dezktop icons and suech. Clickz awn da piccha tah goe tah da full rezalushun piccha, denn ryet clickz and save tah yur compooter if u wan id.
Alzo a note awn woggin. Seven weeks ago, Ize starded dewing da Couch tah 5k walking/jogging prograym (woggin) awn da Cul Running web site. Dais iz mye 3rd atemped at dais prograym Ize tink. Butz dais tyme, Ize hav reelee stuck wid id. Ize hav evun bin dewing abuv and beyond da prograym, dewing id seven dayz a week, instead ov three. Dais being week seven, Ize hav starded a nu phaze...awl joggin! No mowa woggin foah mee nuhow. 2day wuz mye fuhst day ov awl joggin, gowin 2.5 miyellz (awn a treadmill ).Three mowa weeks tah goe tah 5k.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Boo Kuller
2day in Hiztoree
Onwy 'cause Ize wuz bored; lotz ov nu wurds.
1904 - Kaiser Wilhelm II ov Grrmuny becomes da fuhst purrsun tah make a zound recording ov a political document, uzin Thomas Edison's sillyndur.
1905 - Tsar Nikolaz II ov Rushah agrees tah create an eelekted azemblee, da Duma.
1910 - Rockyfellah Fowndayshun: J.D. Rockyfellah Jr. announces hiz retirement frum managing hiz bizynezzez zo dat he cayne devote full tyme tah being a fillanthrowpust.
1913 - Establishment ov da fuhst futbawl club in
1915 - NACA, da predeesezzur ov NASA, iz foundead.
1918 - Grrmuny, Awsteeah and Rushah sign da Treaty ov Brest-Litovsk ending Russia's involvement in World War Ize, and leedin tah da indeepindance ov Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.
1923 - TIME magahzeen iz published foah da fuhst tyme.
1924 - Da 1400-year-old Islamic caliphate iz abawlushed whin Caliph Abdul Mejid II ov da Audomun Empyre iz deposed. Da lazt remnant ov da owld regime givez way tah da reformed
1924 - Da Free Stayt ov
1931 - Da Younighted Ztatez afishilly adopts Da Star-Spangled Bannah az its nayshunal anthem.
1938 - Oyell iz diskoved in
1939 - In Mumbai, Mohandas Gandhi begins tah fazt in protest at da audocradik rewel in
1940 - Five peeple r killed in an arzun attack awn da offucez ov da communist newzpapah Norrskensflamman in Luleå, Zweden.
1942 - World War II: Ten Japineeze warplanes raid da town ov Broome,
1943 - World War II: In London, England, 173 peeple r killed in a crush wyill triing tah enter an air-raid shelltah at Bethnal Green toob stayshun.
1944 - Da Order ov Nakhimov and Order ov Ushakov r instatooted in
1945 - World War II: Amayericun and Filipino troops tayk
1953 - A Canaydeeyan Pacific Airlines De Havilland Comet crashes in Karachi, Pakistan killing 11.
1958 - Nuri as-Said becomes da pryme minister ov Irock foah da 14th tyme.
1961 - Hassan II becomes King ov Morocco.
1969 - Apollo prograym: NASA launches Apollo 9 tah test da lunar module.
1971 - Beginning ov Indo-Pakistani War ov 1971 and India's offishall entry tah da Bangladesh Liberation War in zupord ov Mukti Bahini.
1972 - Mohawk Airlines Flight 405 crashes az a result ov a control malfunction and insufficient training in emergency procedures.
1974 - Turkish Airlines Flight 981 crashes at Ermenonville neah Paris, France killing awl 346 aboard.
1976 - 5 workers r killed by da police in a demonstration in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.
1980 - Da USS Nautilus iz decommissioned and stricken.
1985 - Arthur Scargill declares dat da Nayshunal Union ov Mineworkers nayshunal executive voted tah end da longest-running industrial dispute in Grate Britten without any peace deal ova pit closures.
1991 - An amateur videeoh kaptchaz da beating ov Rodney King by Los Angeles police officers.
1991 - In 2 concurring referendums: 74 % ov da population ov Latvia votes foah indeepindance frum da Soviet Union, in Estonia - 83 %.
1991 - Younighted Airlines Flight 585 crashes awn approach into Colorado Springs, Colorado, killing 25.
1992 - Da nation ov Bosnia iz established.
1997 - Da tallest free-standing structure in da Southern Hemisphere, Sky Tahwah in downtown Auckland, Nu Zealand, opens aftah two-and-a-half years ov konstrukshun.
2002 - Citizens ov Switzerland narrowly vote in favor ov their country becombing a member ov da Younighted Nations.
2004 - Belgian brewer Interbrew and Brazilian rival AmBev agree tah merge in a $11.2 billion deal dat forms InBev, da world's largest brewer.
2005 - Mayerthorpe Incident: James Roszko murders faw Royal Canaydeeyan Mounted Police constables during a drug bust at hiz property in Rochfort Brige, Alberta, denn commits suicide. Id iz da deadliest peace-time incident foah da RCMP zins 1885 and da North-West Rebellion.
2005 - Steve Fossett becomes da fuhst purrsun tah fly an airplane non-stop aroond da world solo without refueling.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Happee Mahch 1st! (wid text frum BuBe)
"Beewear da Ides ov Mahch!" Evreewun hoo haz read or seen a praduckshun ov Shakespeare's Jooleeuz Ceezur knows dat warning, butz nutt evreewun knows wat id means. According tah wun awthoridy, da wurd Ides prolly means sumding lyke "divydur", frum da Etruscan verb iduare, meaning "tah divide."
Da Ides divided Roman munths approximutlee in haff. In Jooleeuz Ceezur's tyme dey occurred awn da 15th day ov 31-day munths and da 13th day ov da uddars. Zo Ceezur's Ides ov Mahch wuz Mahch 15, da day awn witch he wuz azzazzinaytid in 44 B.C. If Ceezur had bin warned tah beewear ov Mahch 15, howevah, or evun da 15th day ov Mahch, he wud nutt hav nown wat day tah prepare foah.
In 44 B.C., da Romans numbered their dayz according tah an ancient syztum dat derived frum a primitive lunar calendar. Dey cawld da fuhst day ov each munth da Kalends, witch means "tah proclaim." Id refers back tah a tyme whin priests proclaimed da beginning ov a nu munth at da fuhst visible crescent ov da nu moon.
In Ceezur's tyme, priests ztill proclaimed a nu munth awn da Kalends, butz munths wur no longer based awn da moon. Da priests meerlee announced ow many dayz id wud be unetill da nex important day ov da nu munth. Dais nex important day wuz da Nones, witch may wunce hav bin da day ov da moon's fuhst quarter butz by Ceezur's tyme wuz always scheduled foah da ninth day befoah da Ides.
In da owld lunar calendar, da Ides had bin da day ov da full moon, butz by Ceezur's tyme id wuz simply da midpoint ov da munth. Cuz da lunar calendar wuz always luking fourward tah da nex phaze ov da moon, its dayz counted downward tah da anticipated day. Ceezur's dayz ztill counted downward too.
Dare4, da lazt foo dayz befoah hiz assassination wud hav bin numbered V Ides, IV Ides, III Ides, Day Befoah Ides, and Ides, nutt Mahch 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. Whin u tink aboot id, dais way ov counting tyme haz its merits.
Wee ztill cownt down tah dayz dat excite us; owah birthdays, holidays, da lazt day ov school. Maybee whin wee starded counting upward, wee lost a significant vestige ov lunar inflewenz dat da Roman calendar ztill clung tah ; dayz dat lookeed fourward tah da future rathah dan dayz dat meerlee added upe da pazt.
Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2n
The dishunary contains 1439 wurds.