Monday, March 9, 2009

tobee tokens

dear ms bube

consider yourself
proud new
owner of

tob e e tokens

note corrected
double e spelling

a cropped image
of your tokens
is shown below

these were collected
by e e himself
who lived
next to
the t

e e
the t r a n s i t system


BuBe said...

thanks for the chool choins - chan always use a little extra chash. i guessed that you already knew that ee lived in chambridge. you have provided inspiration for a new posting to follow later using
e e quote
the earth laughs in flowers
also to be credited for inspiration is deedee for turning on the switch for me w/Picassa collage making - stay tuned

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter" is on a magnet on my refrigerator. It came in a box of Celestial Seasonings tea.

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Actually, the magnet on my fridge says, "The most wasted day is that in which we have not laughed." Similar but slightly different. The magnet quote is from Nicolas Chamfort (April 6, 1741 - April 13, 1794). I wunder if that is where ee got the idea frum.

BuBe said...

i have always said that there are no original thoughts, just a first time for someone to put it out there.