Heah wee hav anothah piccha frum Max witch he zent lazt week, entitled "Dais iz what's awn mye kichin table". Frum dais wee cayne zee dat he iz getting plenty ov fruit, and dat he haz managed tah keep da spearit ov Kristmaz alive wid hiz poinsettia. And, he iz staying tooned in tah da world wid hiz radio.
I expect Max is a pro at "settling in" quickly - looks like a comfy, pleasant kitchen. Looking forward to more pics and news about kitty(ies?).
Wow! My first cell phone picture made it to Interpres! Tanks! Hi BuBe, Tinycee and DeeDee. Five minutes ago, I got the Internet back! Today I hope to see the 2 (of 5) kities in Worcester, MA. I will take my camera with me and MAYBE I can poast a picture or 2 or 3 or 4 of them. Stay tuned. They will be 26 days old today. If I fall in love with them (and for some reason I think I will) I'll be able to have them at the 6-week point. That will be on March 29. Thanks again for showing my new kitchen. I am 95% out of storage now. Whew!
I can see I have a lot of catching up to do on the blog. You guys hace been bizzee!
Yay, Max is back! Max, you can see the other pictures you sent out from your phone in the "Awn Lyne Fridee" poast below. Good luck with he kittehz. Picchaz, pleaze!
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