Sunday, March 8, 2009

Outsmart Yur Fut

Heah iz sumding tah tri: Id iz frum an orthopedic surgeon............. Dais wiyill confuse yur mind and u wiyill keep u triing ova and ova agin tah zee if u cayne outsmart yur fut, butz, u can't.. Id iz pre-programmed in yur brayne!

1. Wyill sittin at yur desk in frunt ov yur compooter, lift yur ryet fut off da flor and make clockwise circles.

2. Nuhow, wyill dewing dais, draw da numbah '6' in da air wid yur ryet hayend. Yur fut wiyill chainj direction.

Ize tried id five tiemz, itz troo. Da body iz a faztinaing ding!


BuBe said...

wonder why the left foot doesn't do the same thing? and if you are left handed does it still happen the same way?

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Good quezshun BuBe. When it tried the left foot and the right hand, it was not the same. But then I tried the left foot and the left hand, and the same thing happened.

BuBe said...

I tried as well, and if you work at it long enough, you can fool the left foot, but it is not a smooth thing. I think I need to spend less time in front of the computer twirling feet and hands!