Hi everyone. I saw my future kitties today and took a few pictures of them. Here are three images that came out well. The movie (a CiniMax film) shows 'Oreo' near the end. She slept in my lap the whole time I took all the other pictures. She did not want to leave me -- which both Nicole and I found rather interesting! Her eyes are as blue as the mother's eyes and she has 4 white paws and a big white 'T' on her tiny belly. Right now, she and 'Zee' are about as big as 1.5 of my fists. Their names are still temporary, but they sound good for now. I hope you enjoy the movie. Maybe at the end of March they will be ready to make their way to their new home here in Marborrow.
This is a banner day indeed!
1. You're back. You never left us of course but somehow, seeing your poasts and your pix, it's soooo great to "hear" you etc. etc. again. Actually, I guess I shudna put quotes around the wurd cuz the CiniMax clip did have you speaking.
2. You not only predicted the day on which you would "resurface," but, right on schedule, you showed up.
3. You wasted no time in the kitty department. Oreo and Zee (I absolutely LOVE the names) are adorable. Oreo clearly is a blogger cuz she is wearing her all white "sandals." Nicole must have da indernet over dere in Worcestershire and Oreo must have studied DeeDee's Sox poast. BTW, Millie the Millipede, is still wondering how many socks she needs to pull to guarantee herself 2 "pair" (in the 1000 socks per "pair" sense).
4. Zee shares the same name as the lead character in the animated DreamWorks film Antz 'cept he didn't use the double "ee" and was thus just "Z." As I am sure you know, "Zee" is my fav letter of da alfabet. Not only that but he has the good sense to use the double "ee" like two of the IQ (Interpres Quintet). DeeDee went overboard and does it twice. At least Tobee has some constraint. He must be a 2-sandal kinda kat.
Welcome back Max. We love you dearly.
PS - It was Mom's bday on Thurs and Dottie's (Linda's 97-year young friend) on Friday (the 2nd Friday the 13th in 2009). Do you see why it's always true that, on non-leap years, if Feb has a Friday the 13th, so does March? Friday the 13th was lucky in two other ways: we got our first glimpse of Oreo and Zee and I got an email from the head of the Tunxis Math department verifying that a proof I gave to a Plane Geometry puzzler he posted was korrek.
But now I'm really wandering. Wandering is what I do best.
Cute Kitties! I couldn't get your movie to work, I'll try again later. But I watched the other movie from your e-mail. Tobee sayz, "Mye mom wuz Ziameze 2!"
I still can't get the movie to work, anyone else having a problem with this?
His movie works for me. I grabbed the URL it uses and will paste it into this comment. I don't know why it should work any better but give it a shot.
"Widescreen" version of Max's CiniMax Movie
Tanx TcT, that worked. For some reason the buffer is reallllyyy slow on my compooter with dais movee.
Thanks for all of your comments -- and to you Tinycee for providing a link to the movie again for DeeDee.
I've been pretty caught up with moving again, so I have been pretty quiet here awn the blog and with emailing. On Sunday, I finally "closed the door" on the storage facility so now I am in the process of Feng Shui-ing the apartment which always seems to take a while because of 9000 changes along the way it seems. There was one piece of furniture that would NOT have made it into the apartment had it been 1 Angstrom Unit larger than it was. It was the large box spring mattress! It was amazing, but it fit through the door at the top of the stairs here.
Tinyc, my running has taken a bit of a hit, but I hope to soon be back on the roads. Maybe I can join you for a short (slow) race in a month or 2 down in CT.
Happy Saint Patty's Day to all of you. I will look for Robins today.
Kids and I enjoyed watching the kitties' movies. Of course, now Emma wants a kitty for a pet. :}
Thanks for the kitty share and peaceful Feng Shui-ing, Max!
Don't sweat not participating or running.
"For everything there is a season ..."
Now that your move is complete you will find time to run more. I'd love to run a race or two with you in a month or two.
With every change comes change.
Now that I've changed from retired to employed I'm studying up on my Statistics (I have several students who are taking Statistics.)
Only vaguely related, here are a few statistics I just learned by visiting the Hartford Track Club site and taking the poll. Note the total number of votes I brought it up to!
Whew. I feel better. I had a feeling the running police (not you but the God's of running .. whoever they may be) were after me! I might get by bod out there tomorrow morning,
Change is interesting. As we have sometimes heard: "The only constant thing in the Universe is change."
I decided to take the Poll you provided and added one more marathon to the statistical chaht. And, speaking of races. I am ON for one about 1/5th that dizdance -- not just yet, but when Oreo tells me I am ready. I'll "run" it by her fust after she (and prolly Zee) move in
It's cul to learn you are teaching statistics. My memory of things like bell shaped curves has faded quite a bit but I think I DO remember what the probability is that I will gets tails instead of heads if I flip a penny 100 times or even 1000 times. 50%, right?
Tobee Rewellz!
Yur memahree ov Statistux iz pritty gud. I've bin reading wun ov da texts wee yews at Tunxis and hav dasided tah reelee learn dais stufe. Ize may hav tah consult wid da Mastah ov da Youneeverze awn occasion (hoo az u kno haz a day job az a Kwantum Mekanik and hoo thus iz sumding ov an expuht in Statistux (QM iz alzo cawld Statistuckal Mechanics)).
Right nuhow I'm ztill hooked awn Sox. I'm triing tah fugur owd wat da expected value iz foah da numbah ov tiemz u hav tah pull a sock frum a drawer befoah u getz "2 pair." BTW, itz important tah kno, Ize read "Metamorphisis" a coupla dayz ago and Ize woke upe and diskoved I'm a bug. (Insects hav 6 leggz).
BTW numbah 2, dais probelem iz difrunt dan DeeDee's (and mye generalization ov DeeDee's) probelem. We're nutt asking ow many socks u need tah pull tah guarantee a "pair." We're asking ow many socks u need tah pull, awn avridge, tah getz a pair.
Statistics haz tah dew wid collecting and analyzing data.
This moring wuz a
kinda morning.
Yesterday wuz a
kinda morning.
These r wat wee kawl samples. Based awn deez samples, da meanz numbah ov socks pulled befoah Ize gotz 2 "pair" iz (13+12)/2 witch = 12.5. Statistux haz tah dew wid questions lyke "Wat confidence shud Ize hav dat 12.5 iz da expected value ov socks needid tah getz "2 pair."
More awn dais tah come.
TcT, budding Statistician
Translation by Toby Speak Version 1.0.5.g
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