Awn wun syde ov a rivah r three huminds, wun beeg monkee, 2 zmahl monkees, and wun bote. Each ov da huminds and da beeg monkee r strong enuff tah row da bote. Da bote cayne fit wun or 2 bodees (regardless ov size ). If at any tyme at eder syde ov da rivah da monkees outnumbah da huminds da monkeys wiyill eet da huminds. Ow dew u getz evreewun awn da udda syde ov da rivah alive?
The most interesting aspect of this poozle was how to represent the solution. There may be other solutions to this than the one I think is correct that I've come up with. My solution is essentially "wordless" in that I just show bubbles, arrows, who gets in, who gets out etc. If anybody feels the urge to translate my pictorial solution into words, that would be cool.
If you're still working on it, don't click this.
DeeDee has introduced a few new Tobee words with this one. They will be added shortly.
It took me about 3 sessions to get this. A very interesting poozle. Kinda reminded me of the Piranha Fish game.
Thanks DeeDee!
As far as I can tell your solution is correct. But it is different from the solution I have. I am going to e-mail it to you so you can compare. I guess there is more than one solution!
My "solution" is wrong. After looking at what DeeDee sent me in a private email, I now understand the following:
When they say "at either side of the river" they mean you've got to count those in the boat *and* those on the shore the boat is near. My "solution" was assuming you only had to worry about who was on the shores. I think this technicality occurred to me but I blew it off and decided the huminds didn't need to worry about getting eaten during the transition periods. Silly me. My "solution" is wrong. Hey, I'm only humind. Ta err is humind.
Nice problem.
Now that you know the above, see if you can nail this one.
I tried the bubbles and arrows method but had too many interruptions to concentrate don't have time to monkey around this puzzle, so I am going to take a look - please forgive me!
Max heah. Ize am taykin a luk at dais poozle nuhow and wiyill zee if Ize cayne give summ kynde ov anzer 2nite or tumorro morning. In da meantime Ize wiyill send da three ov u an email layt 2nite dat haz tah dew wid kittens, newer apahtment pics and racing a 5k in a Peabody, MA monsoon 2day. Had fune!
DeeDee sent me a solution to this one shortly after I submitted my "solution." Since it's been about two weeks ... here's a link to notes I took. Rejoice! Christ is risen, everybody on Captain Phillips' boat is safe and the monkees and huminds have made it to the other side w/o loss of life.
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