Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happee Birfday Tah Us

Dais in a silly yiddle doodle ov sorts. Ize tink mye "connected" smiley faces inzyde da crescent moons may be anothah way ov zayin "Id iz nyce wee r happily heah togetha -- sellabraytig lyfe awn Aypril 21 and 23." Bube iz heah in spearit evun tho zhe sellabrayts anothah day. Ize ope u awl hav a happee bithday day!


Tinyc Tim said...

I love your song and your smiley face mural. The influence of Charles Bradley, artist, is clear. Very creative DeeDee. Very beautiful.

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

The influence of ChasB artist is because Max did this, not me! Good job Max!

Tinyc Tim said...


Tobee Rewellz!

Time ta review:

1. TcT iz gullahbull cuz he tinkz DeeDee doesn't kno 39 iz calmpawzit

2. BuBe tinkz DeeDee poasts dafudil videos cuz zhe zumtimez doesn't chayek "Poasted bys"

3. TcT tinkz DeeDee poasts smiley murals cuz he zumtimez doesn't chayek "Poasted bys"

That leefs DeeDee and Max az da onwy wuns hoo r paying attention tah da details.

Translation by Toby Speak Version 1.0.5.g


Happy Urth Day 

BuBe said...

at least now I feel like I am good company - I always like to say great minds travel down the same path - LOL!

Love the Chas art!

And yes, Max, even though apparently a tad absent minded, I am with you all in the spirit of birthday celebrations! Am glad you know that!