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Hunting Easter eggs in software
Easter eggs are not just made of chocolate. With a bit of perseverance they can be found hidden inside DVDs, games and even business software.
Computer code with a hidden purpose can be found lurking beneath DVDs, video games, and software such as spreadsheets, or word processors, Marc Cieslak found out.
The secret add-ons are often little jokes or tips-of-the-hat by programmers who have slaved for months and even years over a piece of software.
TcT adds ...
If you go to our dranzlador and type (in lowercase) Max's kitteh's alphabediklee last name (be sure to type it bakwuds) followed by his other kitteh's alphabediklee fuhst name (again, bakwuds) (w/ no space beatween the two) you will be given a URL which you might want to visit.
Hiz kitteh's last name, or the name that comes alphabetically last?
Zins wee hav nutt bin toled any lazt namez foah hiz kittens id must be da quezhun if refurrin tah their fuhst namez.
Translation by http://primepuzzle.com/blog/jspeek.html
using a 1519 word dictionary.
I have researched this and (possibly) come upon something that may be what Tinyc was leading us too. If the following link is the one you had in mind, can you let me know? Tanks. By the way, this was a very funny link. Thanks for you puzzle about Atom and Zee. It comes at an appropriate time zince I am still doing my taxes 2day!
Your cat tax video was pretty funny and I think the company Linda works for now would enjoy it - I'll send it to her.
My little link is not the same as yours. To discover it, you need to determine which of your two cats has a name that would come second if the names were listed alphabetically. Then write that name backwards. Then tack on the name of your other cat (whose name would come first in the alphabetically ordered list). Before you tack it on, be sure to reverse it. Don't put a space between the two reversed words. Also, keep all letters lowercase.
For example, if we were dealing with Peaches and Herbie, you'd get sehcaepeibreh
WARNING: Chocoholics may go into cardiac arrest upon solving this exercise.
Wel, Atom's 'n' Zee's Dad's (a veritubbable apostrophiliac's dream comed troo) gotz da ryet anzer butz he haz nutt diskoved wat tah dew wid id. He zeems tah be convoozin da environment he kneadz tah playz hiz wurd in wid da Muddah ov Awl surch engines / translators witch wee awl kno and luv and witch iz specified in da original statement ov da poozle at da bottom ov da poast.
Translation by http://primepuzzle.com/blog/jspeek.html using a 1519 word dictionary.
I type in "eezmota" to the translator, hit translate, and I get:
Translation by http://primepuzzle.com/blog/jspeek.html
using a 1518 word dictionary."
So what am I doing wrong?
If you compare the word count as reported by your use of the translator and the word count as reported by my use of the translator (in the two comments preceding this one) you notice a difference of 1. You appear to be using a local copy of the software. When you unzipped tspeek.zip, maybe you only grabbed the program and the mar08.dic dictionary file. That's usually good enuf butzzzzzz ... the folks over at TSI were kinda sneaky and stuck a new word into the very first dictionary file (tobee.dic) just so this new word would not appear in the scrolling words at the bottom of the search facility.
So ... you have two choices. Use the online version of the translator or be sure to pull all the files out of tspeek.zip (especially tobee.dic).
I am using the on-line translator. I did a refresh of the page, and now I am getting
Translation by http://primepuzzle.com/blog/jspeek.html
using a 1519 word dictionary."
Never mind, now I get it. You have to use the search facility, not the translator! Yummy page, no calories!
Axshully, u shud be able tah yews eder da surch fazillidee or da dranzlador and getz da saym result.
In any case, congrats! U gotz id! Eet responsibly. :-)
Translation by http://primepuzzle.com/blog/jspeek.html using a 1519 word dictionary.
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