Saturday, April 25, 2009


And now ... for a different kinda poozle ...

I was hoping I could post something on the topic in the Title butz I ran outta time.

So you are encouraged to imagine what might appear shortly under this heading.

Till then, gotta shower, await Max's arrival, then go out to Puerto Vallarta Mexican restaurant and then come back here for carrot cake, gifts and a good night's sleep in preparation for our 5K / 10K races in Simsbury tamale @ noon. Spozed to be 85 F. Ouch.


BuBe said...

Hope the brothers had a wonderful birthday celebration and great times in the race. Looking forward to hearing about gifts and minutes.

Tinyc Tim said...

Max & I finished first in our division. Linda took pix which I'll post soon. It was hot. Went out for lunch at California Pizza Kitchen after. My friends Rose and Carol came to the race and Rose placed first in her division.

The last half mile was a challenge!

Here is a link to the results:

The River Run 2009

BuBe said...

Gosh, Boys, you both did very well! A great birthday present to yourselves! Congrats to both on being first in your divisions!

Tinyc Tim said...

Here are two pix of the Bradley Brothers before and after The River Run 10K

BuBe said...


Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Congrats on placing so well, looks like you had a good race!

Tinyc Tim said...

I lied. Peezerintoday. I promised they'd be in tamale day before yesterday so they should have been in yesterday. I've also got five sunflower seeds circling the frog bath and rows of spinach, beets, and mesculin. Rows are identified with stakes at their ends and little pine cones along the row itself. The whole garden is turned. I put leaf mulch on the garden last Fall which is only partially rotted but I think this will make the soil more aerated than last year. I've also sent out some soil for testing at UConn. I think last year's garden was mediocre partly because my soil needs some adjusting. I'm also looking for a truck loaner to get some manure from the local Harris farm. For a full size picture of Terra Tiny 2009 as of April 27 go here.

Max gave me a patio tomato plant for my birthday. It's on our deck, looks real healthy and already has little green 'maters and some yellow flowers.

My sunflower seed in the basement is warm and cozy and moist so out of the 5 around the frog bath and it, I should have a few that make it.

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

At last, I understand your title! Nice that your garden is in. I don't think I am going to grow anything this year. Two years of bad luck has done me in, I guess. We are finally getting some leaves coming out here. And I think I saw some rhododendrons blooming. But it could have been something else. They were bushes with purple flowers.

Chip Bradley said...

Dee Dee, your last comment made me think of what you might be missing if you did not try to grow something -- even ever-so-small this year. I myself am even a little overwhelmed by the prospect of upgrading my soil, deciding on pumpkins or sunflowers -- or more -- and the challenging tasks of watering and weeding. But there is just something so nice about seeing something grow -- even if it be one African Violet leaf cutting, a perennial or two, some herbs on the living room window sill or even a Daffudill or Twolip bulb. There is one catch to all of this though. If it be only one thing we (you?) grow, then it would be sooooo cool to see some kind of story -- with pictures from you of course. Maybe your comment just got me to thinking about "seeds" again, and how exciting it is to just see what you can get. I would love for you to grow at least one seed or cutting or bulb this year (even of it be indoors. (It's more challenging out there though). I would love to see your story -- no matter how small. I think the flower is the exciting part. Could you still make one? Just thinking ... of you.