Happy Birthdays to TinycTim, DeeDee and Max this week.
Amee'z Flowah Kollecshun iz a kollecshun ov Amee'z flowah picchas frum 2005 tah da present. Amee uzed key wurds in da metadata saved wid each piccha tah organize dem into a kollecshun. Da entire kollecshun consists ov 491 picchas! Da 67 in da slide shoo r edited down tah da best picchas. |
In 2 days I will, once again, be in my prime. It's been 6 years that I've been, BORING, composite. Max will share what Linda experienced a couple of years ago. He will be highly composite but, if you study
LBrad Factoids,
full of primes.
DeeDee, as Max puts it, will be forever young.
Max, Linda and I are trying to arrange a small birthday celebration for the sexagenarian two thirds of the birthday trio which will include a race in Connecticut.
Happy Birthday DeeDee, Chas and me! Thanks LindaB for the early wishes!
Tanx BuBe! Ize wiyill be wun yeer away frum forty dais yeer, iz 39 pryme? Whin iz yur birfday BuBe? Ize am mizzing dais vewy important inpho.
39 is not prime. There's a handy little rule that states if the sum of the digits of a number is divisible by 3, the number itself is divisible by 3 (and is therefore not a prime). Since 3+9=12 and 12 is divisible by 3, 39 is divisible by 3.
That's the long way of saying
39 = 3*13
So, DeeDee, you're gonna havta wait two more years to be in your prime.
All I know about BuBe's age is it's the same as LBrad's, give or take less than a year. I am afraid I don't remember the exact day. When our countdown hits 0, LBrad will be celebrating her birthday.
I waz kiddin, I know 39= 3*13! But tanx for the eggsplanashun.
I am happy to learn of my soon to be "highly composite" age. This does not feel too BORING given the fact(oid) that I will not be in my pryme. SPEAKING OF FACTOIDS -- Wanna see Zee getting excited about an LBrad Factoid? There is one point in this short movie (a CinaMax film by the way) where I was SURE Zee would BECOME a factoid (which is a funny way of saying I thought he would CLIMB inside the monitor if he could have! Enjoy this contorted cat flick!
Great video! I spent my birthday buying running shoes, birthday cards, having lunch w/ Linda at DeNovellis restaurant, tutoring at Tunxis and having an awesome homemade cheese tart dessert after dinner.
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