Wee interrupt dais mezzage tah teyell u dat doo tah summ random disturbance, da 67 cm tahwah juz came crashing down and ...
"Primary" current concern (az wuz da case whin da original 59 cm tahwah fynlee lost id doo tah a simila random disturbance and Ize had tah collect da rods witch wur scattered awl aboot and spent a fair amound ov tyme hunting foah 2 elusive peecez, a light green and a wood kuller) iz tah be zur Ize cayne find awl da rods witch Ize hav zo far simply picked upe and put in Linda's "ceramic paper bags." I'll dew dais az zoon az Ize finish writing deez nohtz .
Az Ize wuz zayin, da key ideas wur
Clickz da piccha abuv foah mowa.
Totallee amyzing! Ize am impressed by da wuns dat r standing upe, and alzo awl ov doz zmahl wuns awn da top.
Ize am thurowlee BLOWN AWAY nutt onwy by yur 67 cm tahwah, butz impressed wid da fact dat u evun bothuhd tah challenge yur own 59 cm brakethroo ov da 54 cm bareeer. U r awezome. U hav mye intahrest and Ize za dais cuz Ize definitlee wan tah zee if Ize hav wat id takes tah nail dais reckud tah an evun hieyer wun. Ize reeleyez dais iz QUITE da challenge, butz Ize am tinking yur "hieye" degree ov luv foah pimary numbahz MAY accoud foah da fact dat bias may hav preeventuhd u frum capping off yur tahwah at za 68, 69 or evun 70 cm. Cayne Ize purrchaze summ Queezin-air blawks awn line zo Ize cayne tri mye (non-caffunatid) hayend at a 68 cm tahwah (or hieyer if pawzible )?
You are korrek - my stopping @ 67 was pimarully a function of its unfakturability.
As far as putting Queezin-air rods in your hot liddle hans, I've done some preelimunary resurchz and da wood wuns are extreeeeeeemly (note da 7 "e's," a new record - settling once and for all the eggzeptibullity of vowel duplakashun) eggspensive. I saw one ad that wanted $60+ for a set.
The plaztik ones are cheeper. No way are we going for plaztik. eBay is another resource. Lemme work on this.
On another matter, your car report was great. I'm so glad you're back on the road again. Isn't it weird? You do all sorts of stuff and just when you're about to give up, some completely unknown thing kicks in and ... (insert sound of car starting here) ...
PS - this poast is half Inglish, haf Tobee and haf Tenglish. None of it is destined for dictionarydom butz it sure was fun writing id.
PPS - your wurds are great and are in.
PPPS - I am absofrigginlootly positive that not only 68 is possible but that 101 is possible. Well, not absofrigginlootly, but absoalmostfrigginlootly.
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