This is not very related to plant identification or upcoming inaugurations, but I had this thought the day after Thanksgiving at about 2:00 AM. It had to do with a better way to build a tower of blocks based on using two blocks (rather than three) for each level of the block tower. It seemed to me that one could achieve a HIGHER building with even MORE stability if one were to use two blocks WHILE ALSO rotating each level by a factor of 45 horizontal degrees. The rotation would possibly help contribute to EIGHT POINTS of structural stability at the corners (rather than six points for a three-cornered layer). The above graphic needs two comments on my part here. One is that there appears to be FOUR (4) blocks for each layer. Not true. There are two, but the other two are on top of the first layer. Also, (in some cases) there may be more than one color used in EACH layer -- due to the numbers of available blocks for each set of two. The second point is that I have made an error in my graphic. The error is in the rotation sequence. I wanted to rotate each layer by 45 degrees AS ONE CHANGED TO THE NEXT COLOR / AND / OR LENGTH SET. It is a minor error, but for purposes of beta testing (hint, hint, hint) it may help TcT to test my theory. Possibly he can break the current world record (now set at 54 cm in tower height) for a new colored block tower height.
Wat iz "alizarin"? Iz id a Tobee wurd? Id zeems tah be a samun kuller, butz Ize hav nevah hurd ov id befoah.
"Alizarin" wuz da wurd Chas uzed whin listing da kullerz foah mye Cuisenaire rods. He couldn't be dull and borin and wryte down "purple" or "dark red." No. "Alizarin." I'm pritty zur I've seen him yews dais wurd befoah, prolly in a design sheet foah a kuller scheme foah a painting. Itz a wurd onwy an ardizt wud yews. He's gotz a mess ov udda fancy wurds in hiz kollecshun. Wurds he's lernd by reading ardizt paint tubes etc. Ize wuz struck by id too. Sittin between comin kullerz lyke orange, boo, green etc. Da udda wun dat gotz mee wuz "wood color." And he's ryet. Ize thod ov id az white. Butz itz nutt white. Itz nutt evun painted. Itz definitely "wood color."
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Tanc u foah dat kullerful analisis!
Alizarin iz an organic compound dat iz historically important az a prominent dye. Id iz an anthraquinone originally derived frum da root ov da madder palant. In 1869, id beecaym da fuhst natchural pigment tah be duplicated synthetically. Alizarin iz alzo da nayme foah a variety ov related dyes, suech az "Alizarine Cyanine Green G" and "Alizarine Brilliant Boo R."
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