Twolips 7, Tobee 3.
Amee'z Flowah Kollecshun iz a kollecshun ov Amee'z flowah picchas frum 2005 tah da present. Amee uzed key wurds in da metadata saved wid each piccha tah organize dem into a kollecshun. Da entire kollecshun consists ov 491 picchas! Da 67 in da slide shoo r edited down tah da best picchas. |
Tuna's currantlee partial tah newly set upe mini Christmas tree and parsley grewing in a pot in da kichin. Ize luv yur nu wurd foah tulips witch ov course be added whin theah r a foo mowa contributions.
Ize had forgotten aboot mye "No Scratch" spray unetill dais morning, whin Ize awoke tah find 3 flowahs chewed off. Dais iz an organic non-toxic spray witch Ize mainly yews tah keep Tobee off ov dings lyke plantz. Lazt yeer Ize sprayed id awl ova da Christmas tree (wee had a zmahl tree ),and id kept him off id foah aboot 2 weeks befoah id had tah be reapplied.
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