Friday, December 5, 2008

Analysis of Analisis

Deah TcT,

Ize hav a quezhun foah u. U toled mee dat whin Ize wuz creating a Tobee wurd frum an Inglish wun, Ize shouldn't yews anothah Inglish wurd. An eggzample ov dais wud be dranzlading two->too. Both r Inglish wurds and Ize udderstaynd dais wud be convoozin.

Mye quezhun iz, wat aboot da Inglish wurd "analysis"? Id iz currantlee trainslatted az analysis->analisis. 2day Ize notissed dat da wurd "analisis" iz in Lebster's Dishunary. Ize am nutt zur hoo trainslatted dais wurd, or if dais kunnekshun wuz intended or nutt. Let mee assure u dat dais doesn't meanz Ize tink id shud be changed, Ize juz wanted tah poind id owd in case u thod id shud be changed, zins u mayd upe da wurd "analisis". Lebster's iz pritty cul, zo Ize don't mind sharing a wurd if u don't.


1 comment:

Tinyc Tim said...

Ize recommember worrying a bit aboot dais. I'm da wun dat "lifted" dais wurd frum Lebsters and put id in Tobsters. Az Lebsters wurds r bogus da rewel dat rechoirz Tobee wurds be bogus iz nutt reelee violated. Butz u dew hav a poind and wunce a wurd gets into Lebsters id duz gayn stature and iz semi-real. Zo Ize gezz wat I'm zayin iz sharing wurds iz prolly best allowed onwy rarely.

Wee at Lebsters apreesheate yur allowing us tah cher analisis.