Friday, January 2, 2009

Cuisenaire Tower Record Demolished!

83 cm!

We are pleased to announce that the previous record (of 78 cm) for towers built from Cuisenaire Rods has been demolished by using WAY fewer rods than were used in the last tower and a much more "vertical" approach at each tier. Click the picture for a high resolution view. Of course, both 79 cm (a short-lived record)
and 83, the new record, are prime.


BuBe said...

For the record, the new year is starting off pretty well - amazing!

Chip Bradley said...

Pleaze refer tah poasts awn January 12, 2009 foah a recent shattering ov dais reckud by Max. Dais nu poast wiyill be coming at aboot 6:00 pm 1/12/9. Stay tooned!