Ize cut a poozle owd ov mye 15-point skip-3 stah. (Ize kno, itz hahd tah beeleev deez peecez fit togetha tah form da stah, butz dey dew!) Da boo kat and da green mouzie wur combleetly accidental. 11 peecez. 8 ov dem dovetail togetha tah form an outer wring ov stah points. Da remaining 3 fit togetha and goe in da hole in da middill. Itz nutt hahd tah assemble zins da dovetails guide u. Anybody zee any udda shapes dat suggest a familiah ding?
Translation by http://primepuzzle.com/blog/jspeek.html
using a 1406 word dictionary.
Translation by http://primepuzzle.com/blog/jspeek.html
using a 1406 word dictionary.
green birdie next to green mouse makes me think of a swallow after a bug mid air.
Cayne wee zee a piccha ov da poozle whin itz put togetha?
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