Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Stah for Max

Toby made a star for Max since he has been so kind to make everyone else a star.


Tinyc Tim said...

Arms outstretched, feet solidly on the ground, head high. He seems to be saying, "Look at me!" A winner!

tc>.star - 1/14/9 - lrb

Count your lucky stars!

How many points does your star have? 5

There is 1 unique star that has 5 points.


But of course we all know there really are 4 unique 5 point stahs. And their names are Max, DeeDee, BuBe and TcT.

Chip Bradley said...

Tanx foah mye stah, Tobee. Itz a reyal beauty. Did u yews Katashop awn id or juz Paw 101.? Ize reely lyke da kullers.

Buy da way, az mach az Ize wan tah award Tiny-c Tyme wid hiz nu stah, Ize wan tah be honest and za dat Ize wan tah tri tah solve hiz Farenheit tah Celsius Tiny-c prograym fuhst. Id zeems lyke a reyal challenge and Ize tink Ize wiyill dew a betah stah foah him if Ize getz dais probelem dun fuhst. Ope TcT duz nutt mind waytin a bit foah hiz stah... Ize promise id wiyill be az nyce az Tobee's wid lotz ov kullers, too.

Tanxs agin foah mye stah Tobee!

BuBe said...

a very impressive and meaningful stance on that stah! Well deserved and am glad Tobee thought to do that for Max. TcT's comments right on point!