Monday, January 12, 2009

World Reckud foah Queezin-air Tahwah Hyte Shattered 2day by Max

Wel, dais iz an historic day in Marborrow! Id zeems dat Max haz shattud da existing 83 cm tahwah reckud preeveusly set by Tiny-c Tim in Nuwingtun.

Foah a full dawkumentashun ov dais event, u cayne nuhow vizit da 83 + x = y report, wheah y =...drum roll pleaze...105 cm!


Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Congratulations Max! Just when I think you guys can't go any higher, someone breaks a record.

Tinyc Tim said...

Pheeeeenominull! Now it's "simply" a matter of my starting to think of an adjective to describe my "come back kid" response to this news (if I am able to beat this record). Let's see, I used "demolished" and you used "shattered." If words could be ordered (like numbers) in ascending order (of, in this case, "destructive severity") I would say "demolished" ~< "shattered," where the "relation" ~< (which I hereby declare legal) means "slightly less than."

I was thinking of perhaps "vaporized."

Stay tooned.

BuBe said...

ratta tat tat, rapompapompom, ratta tat tat! (drum roll) - always happy to oblige where I can!
