Due to circumstances beyond my control, I am unable to cut down on my star making habits for all those people in need of them. I already awarded you (DeeDee) with your gold star -- but since I was premature with it, I wanted to RE-AWARD you with yet another kind of goldish one for your 1 year and 5+ hours of time without cigs -- for not having smoked 7,327 of them, for the $2,564.45 you saved, and for your most awesome 3 weeks, 4 days, 10 minutes, and 35 seconds of life SAVED due to this accomplishment. If you ever have "a feeling" for them again -- and you just might... just remember one thing. (you may have heard this before). You may go another 9 years making it 10 years of time without them, 73,270 of them will not smoked, $25,644.50 will have been saved, and approximately 250+ days of life will be saved due to your continued efforts. BUT, all it takes is one cigarette and every single thing that added up so nicely before becomes one number instantly. That number is zero. It takes only a second to make the big number a zero. Sorry for such a sobering fact. One thing is clear though. You have done awesomely well and it was one day at a time. Great job! You can keep it all going. You've shown what it takes. Courage!
Number 1
How many of you didn't not miss the tiny little Max 09 in the lower right?
Number 2
How many of you studied the star itself, and were as taken as I was by its carefully crafted structure? Slightly asymmetric to fill the square it is bordered by. Built from "star points" that in some cases have 3 lines in them, in most cases 4 and, in one case, 5?
My favorite point is the one in the North West corner. It's long, it's thin, it's sharp.
Waydago Amy!
Wowee Zowee! That's a super star! Thanks for my extra star, it's great. I have put it on my computer desktop as a reminder to stay smober. I am also using my one year bronze medallion (chip) that I got yesterday.
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