Thursday, January 1, 2009

Plunging into 2009!

Click the picture to see Max and company at Compo Beach.
Temperature w/ wind chill? 0.


Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Why do you do this, is it for a charity?

BuBe said...

I think it is cool! regardless of the reason. My brotherinlaw in Maine does the same thing every year, since being a teenager, and we have a friend who has run the Manchester Road race every year for the past 27 years, except last year when he was recovering from cancer surgery - he ran again this year. Both part for charity and part for their own sense of being. amazing. Amazing that both Lee and Chip have been running for so many years, and amazing that Amy is still smober and Tobee can speak! You are all amazing. Happy New Year!

Chip Bradley said...

I do this because it seems impossible to do and therefore a challenge. I was also not about to let my brother be the only Bradley to be this insane. It was really fun to find out what it's like. And yes -- it was for a charity -- Save the Children.