Sunday, November 16, 2008


Deah Doctor Tobee,

Ize hav reecentlee starded an eggzersize prograym Ize lyke tah kawl "woggin". Dais eggzersize prograym consists ov altanadin purreeodz ov joggin and walking in order tah sloelee wuk into a prograym ov complete joggin covering a distance ov 5 killometrez.

Az Ize persue dais prograym, Ize hav notissed a vewy vexing probelem. During mye purreeodz ov woggin, witch currantlee lazt approximately 2 minuets, Ize am experiencing a grate deal ov dizcomfit in mye leggz. If Ize stop moovin, da dizcomfit stops and goz away. Cayne u teyell mee wat iz causing dais dizcomfit and ow Ize cayne make id goe away? Id haz caused mee tah shorten da length ov mye eggzersize session frum 30 minuets tah 20 minuets.

Deah Deedee,

Wat u r experiencing in yur purreeodz ov woggin iz a reaction cawld acidosis. Acidosis iz caused by an increase in Lactic Acid in yur muscles during purreeodz ov intense eggzersize. In animals, L-lactate iz constantly produced frum pyruvate via da enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in a process ov fermentation during normal metabolism and eggzersize. Id duz nutt increase in concentration unetill da rate ov lactate production exceeds da rate ov lactate removal witch iz governed by a numbah ov factors including: monocarboxylate transporters, concentration and isoform ov LDH and oxidative capacity ov tissues. Da concentration ov blood lactate iz useyulely 1-2 mmol/L at rest, butz cayne rise tah ova 20 mmol/L during intense exertion.

During power exercises suech az sprinting, whin da rate ov demand foah energee iz high, lactate iz produced faster dan da ability ov da tissues tah reemoove id and lactate concentration begins tah rise. Dais iz a beneficial process zins da regeneration ov NAD+ ensures dat energee production iz maintained and eggzersize cayne continue. Da increased lactate produced cayne be removed in a numbah ov ways including oxidation tah pyruvate by well-oxygenated mussill cells witch iz denn directly uzed tah fuel da citric acid cycle converzhun tah glucose via da Cori cycle in da liver throo da process ov gluconeogenesis.

Contrary tah popular belief, dais increased concentration ov lactate duz nutt directly cause acidosis, nor iz id responsible foah delayed onset mussill sorenez.[1] Dais iz cuz lactate idzelf iz nutt capable ov releasing a proton, and secondly, da acidic form ov lactate, lactic acid, cannut be formed under normal circumstances in humind tissues. Analisis ov da glycolytic pathway in humans indicates dat theah r nutt enuff hydrogen ions present in da glycolytic intermediates tah pradeuce lactic or any udda acid. Da acidosis dat iz azzosheayted wid increases in lactate concentration during heavy eggzersize arises frum a separate reaction. Whin ATP iz hydrolysed, a hydrogen ion iz released. ATP-derived hydrogen ions r primarily responsible foah da decrease in pH. During intense eggzersize, aerobic metabolism cannut pradeuce ATP quickly enuff tah zupply da demands ov da mussill. Az a result, anaerobic metabolism becomes da dominant energee producing pathway az id cayne form ATP at high rates. Doo tah da lahge amoundz ov ATP being produced and hydrolysed in a short period ov tyme, da buffering systems ov da tissues r overcome, causing pH tah fall and creating a state ov acidosis, a natchural process witch facilitates da easier dissociation ov Oxyhaemoglobin and allows easier transfer ov oxygen frum da blood[2]. Dais may be wun factor, among many, dat contributes tah da acute muscular dizcomfit experienced shortly aftah intense eggzersize.

Paht ov da reason ov yur "woggin" prograym builds upe tah full joggin sloelee ova a period ov tyme serves 2 purposes. Wun iz tah accustom yur lungs tah a longer period ov mowa intense eggzersize. Da second iz tah accustom yur muscles. If u keep upe wid yur prograym and increase by zmahl amoundz, eventually u wiyill getz ova da acidosis. Zo decreasing da lenght ov yur eggzersize iz OK, az long az u eventually build back upe tah 30 minuets. Anothah alternative iz tah rest foah short purreeodz aftah yur joggin sequence. Butz resting duz nutt condition yur lungs az quickly, witch iz sumding tah tayk into consideration. Ize ope dais elpz anzer yur quezhun aboot da dizcomfit u r experiencing.

Doctor Tobee

Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2n
The dishunary contains 1212 wurds.


Tinyc Tim said...

Deah Doctor Tobee,

Ize knew u wur a Zen Mastah and Roman Empurroar butz Ize zee u nuhow hav a medical degree. Dew u hav any picchas ov yoreselv practicing yur nu profession?

Translation by
using a 1212 word dictionary.

Tinyc Tim said...

"Ceeing Clearly"

I've bin tinking aboot yur desire tah hit a pryme wid yur poast. 1201+12 iz indeed a pryme butz yur obersurvation dat da wurds 'wogging' and 'walking' both went tah 'woggin' caused grate concern at da lazt meeting ov TSI and resulted in da removal ov walking->woggin frum da dishunary. Dais ment 'walking' kud wunce agin getz defined.

Dais iz gud ding cuz


Wee gotz kynde ov attached tah da composite 1212 during its brief lyfe whin wee saw dat id factored tah (and u cayne chayek wid Max awn dais) 2*606 witch equals 2*2*303 witch equals 2*2*3*101, cuz wee luv da pryme 101.

Lazt night, foah summ strange reason, Ize wuz triing tah zee why 2020 (nutt 1212) had 101 az a factor. Id turns owd 2020 duz hav 101 az a factor!


If u tink aboot id, da numbah 101 haz da indereztin property dat if u multiply any 2-digit numbah by id u simply "duplicate" yur numbah.

101*nm = nmnm

foah any nm.

Tri id.

20 20 vision.

Tyme tah goe walkin.

Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2n
The dishunary contains 1213 wurds.