Sunday, November 23, 2008

Woggin Man

As Runner Trainer Toby may want to know what to wear while woggin too, we've translated TcT's take on the subject so he can read up. Click Woggin Man to check this out.

1 comment:

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Tanx Tineecee. Amee went foah juz a walk 2day, nutt a wog. Id iz vewy cold heah. Zhe walked foah 2 miyellz, and da temperature wuz 14 degrees wid da windee chill factor. Amee had er down coat awn, zo zhe wasn't too cold. Id haz bin vewy windy heah and id iz suppossed tah continue into da coming week. Dey r alzo forecasting zno foah da coming week, zo id luks lyke summ woggin wiyill be dun at da YMCA.