Thursday, November 13, 2008

Exoplanitairee Discuveree

Da following ardikul appeared 2day in da environmental sexshun ov da Nu York Tiemz. Dais partial text narrative wuz written by Dennis Overbye ov da Nu York Tiemz. Id wuz alzo a "front page" story awn tonight's NBC television nooz ankud by Brian Williams. Ize passed dais awn tah Tobee foah review. He haz trainslatted id foah u and udda kats uzin da November dishunary.

"A yiddle mowa ov da youneeverze haz bin pried owd ov da shadows. 2 groups ov astronamuz hav tayken da fuhst picchas ov wat dey za — and udda astronamuz agree — r mohst likely planitz going aroond udda stars ..."

Da acheevmint, da result ov years [Max's note: 14 years, actually] ov effort awn improved observational techniques and betah data analisis, presages mowa suech diskuverees, da experts sayd, and wiyill open da door tah nu investigashuns and diskuverees ov wat planitz r and ow dey came tah be formed.

“It’s da tip ov eyezbug,” sayd Christian Marois ov da Herzberg Institute ov Astrophysics in Victoria, British Columbia. “Now dat wee kno dey r theah, theah iz going tah be an explowshin.”

Dr. Marois iz da leedah ov a teem dat recorded three planitz sercullin a stah nown az HR 8799 dat iz 130 lyteyeers away in da constallashun Pegasus. Da udda teem, led by Paul Kalas ov da Younaversitee ov California, Berkeley, fownd a planet orbiteeng da stah Fomalhaut, onwy 25 lyteyeers frum Urth, in da constallashun Piscis Austrinus.

In an intervyoo by e-mail, Dr. Kalas sayd dat whin he fynlee cunfurrmd hiz discovery lazt May, “I neahlee had a hart attack."

Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2m
The dishunary contains 1200 wurds.

The image above is an actual first image of the new planetary system associated with the same star (found below) highlighed in aqua: Fomalhaut. The inset shows a difference in the location of the planet "b" over a two-year period.

These last two pictures are associated with another exoplanetary system found in the constellation of Pegasus. Note the motion of the newly discovered planets relative to the past positions marked by plus (+) signs.


Tinyc Tim said...

Your post (now w/ your new words properly misspelled) reaches yet another milestone, namely the three-character number MCC. Maybe not prime, but how often do numbers that are big take only three letters?

I had heard about this "exoplanitairee discuveree" about a year ago when it first came out and was of course fascinated. And now they have good images of it.

Side note: your skills at finding the current dictionary files etc. are to be commended. And your skills at coming up with awesome Toby counterparts to English words is fast approaching the high standard set by Tobee 'n DeeDee him/herself.

One thing you could do: when the translator gives you an opportunity to add words, have a list ready on paper, type 'em in, like foo->fooz moo->mooz etc. and when you're done, the translator itself will put out a message and a file with your new stuff in a format that can be sent to TSI for easy dictionary inclusion. In this example, TSI would get

x+="_foo_->~fooz_ _moo_->~mooz_";

etc. This would save you the trouble of trying to remember where all those pesky underscores, tildes, semicolons, double quotes, x+=s and spaces need to be. Take a look at nov08.dic itself sometime. It's a single line file with a well-defined structure.

- TcT

Chip Bradley said...

Ize am taykin dais opportunity tah fallow yur suggestion foah ow wun cayne ad nu wurds uzin da online dranzlador and a hand written list -- awn witch da translator's .msg output file cayne include suech wurds wid "awl doz pesky undahskorz, tildes, semicolons, double quotes, x+=s and spaces ."

Additionally, az Ize wryte deez wurds, Ize am tempted tah ad wun nu wun. Mye nu wurd foah da day wiyill be "Herqlees" az in dat constallashun wid da beeg square ov stars in id (and wid its popular globular cluster, M13) witch regular humans kawl Hercules. Butz az Ize tayk da libadee ov guessing ow Tobee wud spel suech a nayme, Ize must confess Ize am nutt entirely zur. Zo, foah dais reason, Ize leave id open foah debate and pawzible revision by doz at TSI.

Ize wan tah tanc TcT foah hiz ongoing "fine-tuning" ov wat iz nuhow becombing da penultimate Tobee dishunary.


Translation by
using a 1200 word dictionary.

Chip Bradley said...

Ize wud alzo lyke tah za dat Ize wud lyke tah "officially" ad mye nu Herqlees wurd tah da dishunary by tawkun advantage ov da awl important .msg output file ov da dranzlador. If doz at TSI feel dais nu wurd iz worthy ov inclusion denn Ize wud expect dey wud alzo tayk advantage ov da proppah nomenclature in dais file -- witch Ize wiyill email 2day.

Chip Bradley said...

Ooops. Sorree. Make dat "taykin!"

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Dais iz faztinaing! Tobee alzo wanted mee tah mention dat u zpeld Herqlees exactly ryet.

Chip Bradley said...
