This morning Ize wuz preparing coffee foah Leenda (az Ize useyulely dew) and whin Ize poured id Ize, tho proud ov da veriuze "attributes" wee zeem tah hav a ritual aboot, namely "bubble count," "dry bottom," "temperature," "ryet amound ov light cream," "correct cup," "clicked by mye cup," "nutt too strong (or weak)," remarked "I'm sorree butz Ize don't kno ow tah pour and make doz 'swirly' patterns lyke da ..." and here's wheah Ize gotz stuck, triing tah recommember dat wurd I'm zur you've hurd dat doz guyz ova at Starbucks kawl demselvez. Ize came upe w/ "barristers" and Leenda sayd "Itz close tah that," zo Ize wuz pleased w/ myzelf butz denn spent da nex twenny minuets while bathing etc. triing tah getz id ryet. Ize offden dew dais kynde ov ding and lyke tah challenge myzelf by nutt cheating tah zee if mye brayne mollykewels cayne zo rearrange demselvez tah assemble da correct letters and cause dem tah exit audibly frum mye mouth (mye weird way tah za "za da word.")
It iz nuhow aboot 11:30 AM and az da problem reentered mye mind Ize, awn a subtle mental zhift, dasided tah put da letters 'barista' in a google text box and hit Enter. "bareeztah" iz reelee close tah "barrister," butz id rang potentially ryet in mye mind whin Ize sayd id tah myzelf and, wid ope and expectation, Ize awaited mye "grade" frum da "all-knowing" indernette.
I wuz nutt disappointed.
I wiyill be patting myzelf awn da back foah da nex hour or two.
In English jargon, da term "barista" refers tah wun hoo haz acquired summ level ov expertise in da preparation ov espresso-based coffee drinks. Within certain circles, its meaning iz expanding tah include wat might be cawld a "coffee sommelier;" a professional hoo iz highly skilled in coffee preparation, wid a comprehensive understanding ov coffee, coffee blends, espresso, quality, coffee varieties, roast degree, espresso equipment, maintenance, latte art, etc. Stephen Morrissey ov Ireland iz da current World Bareeztah Champion.
The wurd barista (plural: baristi [masculine or mixed sex] or bariste [feminine]) iz ov Italian origin. In Italy, a barista iz a "bartender," hoo typically works behind a counter, serving both hawt (suech az espresso) and cold alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
Translation by Toby Speak Version 1.0.5.g
Cul! Glad you figured it out. A barrister is an English lawyer. Barristers are the guys who appear in court and wear the funny wigs. Solicitors are the other kind of lawyer in England, who handle things outside of court.
I was in a coffee shop the other day. It was over on the "hip" side of town, where all of the cool people hang out (even though it wasn't a Starbucks, it was a local company:-) People in Portland like their local stuff). There was a sign on the tip jar that said, "Love thy Barista", and it made me think of this poast. I had never heard the term before, and now I see it everywhere. Must be quantum mechanics at work.
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