Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!


Tinyc Tim said...

Due to popular request for dancing letters (as seen in our inauguration countdown and in the Turkey Day puzzle) watch yourself dance at

Dancing Letters

There's a link at the bottom of the page that DeeDee can use as she builds her Thanksgiving composite picture.

BuBe said...

That was fun!

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

You iz amyzing!

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Wow, Ize clicked da piccha by accident, and theah wuz a poozle page! Id tuk mee aboot 3 trys at 40 clicks a peeze tah solve da poozle.

Chip Bradley said...

Tanx da cul poozle and foah da danzing letters, too. Ize hav dem awn mye compooter nuhow. Da dranzlador (foah da danzing letters iz VERY cul. Ize had fune triing tah solve da poozle. Ize even hurd a turkey gobble whin Ize moved da peecez aroond. Id tuk mee a long tyme tah solve id wunce, butz id wuz fune.

Tinyc Tim said...

I'm glad you all had fun with the dancing letters, the puzzle etc. etc. If you ever feel like filling your screen up with dancing letters, just take any text, no matter how long, paste it into the text box and click the Dance! button.

Mika and Toby Movie post