Sunday, November 23, 2008

Filler Flower Query

For Max - no idea what this is, but it is similar to goldenrod in shape and size. Perhaps you have a botanical resource you could use to identify this for the curious folks that want to know.


Tinyc Tim said...

Linda's sister Mary is coming for Thanksgiving and she knows her flowers. I'll ask her. Linda might know too.

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Ia m going to ask Anita, she knows a lot of flowers too. She has enough of them in her gardens!

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Anita says, "Do you know where the flower was growing? it looks something like "white lettuce; rattlesnake root"-in my wildflower book."

BuBe said...

It was a filler flower in a ShopRite Free bouquet. But I agree it does look like a lettuce, but the stalk is very woody, similar to wild astor or goldenrod. Leaf is not trip-veined like goldenrod, but similar to astor. The mystery remains.

BuBe said...

Upon discarding the spend Turkey bouquet with mystery filler flowers, I discovered the remaining water was red - as in red food color - I can therefore deduct that the filler flower could be goldenrod that had been set in a container of red food colored water to achieve the special color effect. I used to do this with Queen Anne's Lace and celery stalks when I was a kid (really, I was once a kid!)