Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hoppee Tanxgivin

Happee Tanxsgivin! Ize meanz Hoppee Tanxsgivin! Dais piccha iz a composite ov 12 separate picchas. Clickz awn da piccha tah zee a larger imudge. Clickz heah tah zee an animated vershun.


Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

I think Rain is my favorite. It is hard to see in the small imudge, but she is holding a flower.

Tinyc Tim said...

In case anybody out there can't remember Toby's Mom's other cat's name, Max's cats' names or BuBe's birds' names, here, in English, is my best shot at names and their order in DeeDee's awesome composite.

Luna (the Tuna) Mika Toby Rain Lu

Peaches Herbie

or, maybe

Herbie Peaches

(even BuBe can't tell 'em apart, I think)

BuBe said...

Peaches and Herbie (or Herbie and Peaches) make really cool turkeys -kind of reminds me of school play with all the kiddies (kitties) dressed up as Pilgrims and Indians. Once again, DeeDee, you have outdone yourself! Tanxs and going with the holiday: I am thankful for DeeDee, TinycTim and Max and the ever entertaining Inerpres.

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Those feet on the turkeys actually came from a different turkey that the bodies. The wild turkey picture I used didn't have any feet in it. So I borrowed some feet from the turkey that President Bush pardoned. The domestic turkey looked very different, it was smaller and white. So I guess it was really 13 pictures, not 12 as I thought!

BuBe said...

Rain's flowers and P&H Presidential Feet - awesum!

Chip Bradley said...

Oh my Gosh -- this is so cul. I love them all. I can see I have a lot of catching up to do on reading all of your comments and posts. This wun is terrific DeeDee.