Thursday, October 23, 2008

9, 8, 7 ...

Wee encourage viewers tah pay close attention tah da Cowntdown area awn da ryet. Id haz evolved ever zins Tobee put in hiz request foah suech a feature. Id iz, wunce agin, a dynamic display, and duz nutt require any clicking. Az zoon az wee getz into single digits, dings start getting indereztin. And wun cayne onwy wonder wat wiyill we'll zee awn November 4th.

Ize ope u hurd da Ohbamah speech in Richmond, VA yestahday. And compared id tah wat MikCain and company presented awn da saym day.

Vote foah da man dat maykes da mohst sense tah u.

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Chip Bradley said...

Ize wiyill be yntarezded tah zee wat happens awn da cowntdown clawk az id gets closer tah November fahth. Tct, Ize enjoyed whatchin da Richmund, Verginya speech by Ohbamah. Ize liked ow he ended da speech (actually da holee ding reelee ). He haz power in hiz wurds. Ize reelee lyke him. Ize ztill tink Colin Powell's comet aboot him az being "transfahmashunul" kud be accurit. Wowee. He certinlee haz mye vote.

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Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Gud speech! Id iz gud tah kno dat Ize don't reelee liv in da "anti-American" paht ov da country, butz da Younighted Ztatez ov America.

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Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Wow, tumorro wiyill be single digits.

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