Thursday, October 16, 2008

Scrollsaw Wizard

(Foah a humungoid veeyou ov dais poozle, clickz da abuv piccha!)

Taykin hiz Runner Trainer skillset tah a new level, Renasanz Kat Tobee (foah he haz zo many talents wee can't tink ov a betah way tah describe him) haz nuhow added Scrollsaw Wizard. A 26-piece (Ize kno, nutt pryme, butz at least id matches da numbah ov miles in a marython) birfday present foah a soon-to-be-60 frend iz ready foah delivery. Da figural wuz lifted frum da folks at Da imudge iz frum da post-race feed awn Sairday Octobah 11 and features da sexygenarian and er frend.


Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Don't u meanz renasanz kat? Sexygenarian iz mye new fayverite wurd.

Awezome poozle, BTW, Ize am zur yur frend wiyill luv id!

Tinyc Tim said...

Mye badd. Fixed. Tanx.

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Ize wuz onwy kidding! Ize gezz sarcasm duz nutt dranzlade into da text vewy wel.