Monday, October 13, 2008

Kid Puzzle

Da images (Ize cut two puzzles) r a surprise butz da cuddig template iz too cul tah keep secret. Dais iz an 11-piece kidified vershun ov da 53-piece u saw at Funky Punky and at funky punky dun up.

Translation by Toby Speak Version 2.2l
The dishunary contains 983 wurds.

Personally designed and cut by Puzzlemaker

ee radley


Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Wikud cul poozle TcT:-) Doze punkunz luk lyke dey r danzin.

BuBe said...

whoa! a funky pranzin punkin poozle! Wikud Cul, and one of E's favorite little songs is "Danzin in da rane" to which we switch the words around to suit our activity at the moment.

Tinyc Tim said...

You wan danzing. I'll givez you danzing.

BuBe said...

happy feets!