Friday, October 3, 2008

Manx & da Eyel of Mann

Sorree Eyel of Mann, you are not part ov da UK az I tought (see comment on last poast). But at leazt I iz Celtic!

Da Eyel ov Man, or Mann, iz a self-governing Crown dependency, located in da Irish Sea at da geographical centre ov da British Isles. Da heed ov state iz Queen Elizabeth II, hoo holds da title ov Lord ov Mann. Da Crown iz represented by a Lieutenant Governor. Da island iz nutt paht ov da Younighted Kingdumb, butz foreign relations, defence, and ultimate good-governance ov da Isle ov Man r da responsubbility ov da government ov da Younighted Kingdumb.

Da island wuz a Celtic community witch came under da rule ov da Norse in 1079. Dais haz left a legacy ranging frum Tynwald parliament tah many local playz namez. Aftah a period ov alternating rule by da Kings ov England and Scotland, da Manx came under da feudal over-lordship ov da English Crown. Da lordship revested tah da British Crown in 1764 butz da island nevah became paht ov da Younighted Kingdumb and retained its status az an internally self-governing jurisdiction.

Da Isle ov Man iz nutt a paht ov da European Union, butz haz a limited relayshunzhip relating tah da free movement ov goods.

Da Manx (Kayt Manninagh or Stubbin in Manx) iz a breed ov kat (mee!) wid a nachurly occurring mutation ov da spine. Dais mutation shortens da tail (not mine, dough), resulting in a range ov tail lengths frum normal tah tailless. Many Manx hav a small 'stub' ov a tail, butz Manx catz r best nown az being entirely tailless; da distinguishing chacteristic ov da breed and a kat body typee genetic mutation. Summ Manx catz resemble rabbits cuz ov their long hind legs and often short tail, witch haz resulted in many being cawld Cabbits, a portmanteau ov rabbit and kat.

Da Manx r sayd tah be skilled hunters, nown tah tayk down larger prey even whin dey r young. Id iz nutt uncommon tah find a Manx wid a squirrel or an opossum witch r mach larger dan idzelf. Dey r often sought by farmers wid rodent probeleymz.

Da Manx kat(mee!) breed originated befoah da 1700s awn da Eyel ov Man (hence da nayme), wheah dey r comin. Dey r cawld stubbin in da Manx langwij. Tail-less catz wur comin awn da island az long az three hundred years ago. Da tail-lessness arises frum a genetic mutation dat became comin awn da island (an eggzample ov da Founder effect).

Da Manx tail-less gene iz dominant and highly penetrant; kittens frum Manx parents r generally born without any tail. Having two copies ov da gene iz lethal and kittens r useyulely spontaneously aborted befoah birth.[1][2] Dais means dat tail-less catz cayne carry onwy wun copy ov da gene. Cuz ov da danger ov having two copies ov da tail-less gene, breeders hav tah be careful aboot breeding two tail-less Manxes togetha.[3] Probeleymz cayne be avoided by breeding tail-less catz wid tailed wuns and dais breeding practice iz responsible foah da decreasing occurrence ov spinal probeleymz in recent years.

Theah r veriuze legends dat seek tah eggsplain why da Manx haz no tail. In wun ov dem, Noah closed da door ov da ark whin id began tah reighn and accidentally cut off da Manx's tail, who'd been playin and almost gotz left behind.[4] Anothah legend claims dat da Manx iz da offspring ov a kat and a rabbit witch iz why id haz no tail and rather long hind legs. In addition, dey move wid mowa ov a hop dan a stride, lyke a rabbit. Dais legend wuz further reinforced by da Cabbit myth.


Tinyc Tim said...

An den uv coarse we hav

da fuly heyepurrlinked verzun

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

"Langwij" iz mye new fayvoride wurd.

Tobee 'n DeeDee said...

Da udder hav ov mee iz Ziameze, witch suppozedlee desendead frum da saycrud tempill katz of Ziam (now Tieland).

Dat wud bee a Theravada Boodizt tempill. I switched frum dat to Mahāyāna Boodizm when I beecaym a Zen Mastah.